The final piece 67

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"What" Rin said confused
"Thank you for thinking you could guard me, you made it easy for me to score, "Luna said with a smile on his face.

"Why are you thanking me," Rin said getting a bit pissed.
"Oh, I am just saying that if Nakada was the one guarding, it would have been harder to score but thank you for being stupid enough to think you could guard me," Luna said with a smile on his face.

Rin seem to be annoyed before he then thought of something, where was Nakada? He looked back to just see Nakada standing there looking at him with veins on the side of his eyes.

Steam seem to be leaving his body, Nakada approached Rin before grabbing him by the collar.
"You talk very big saying you will beat your Brother but here you are doing nothing this match. You have been more worthless and useless than ever before."Nakada said as he grab Rin collar.

"What do you know about my brother"Rin said getting a bit angry to which Nakada just reply.
"I know that he is better than you, even though his position is not that of striker, I can tell that you are nowhere near him even when he was in the academy,"

"Let go"Rin said trying to remove Nakada hands from his collar but Nakada grip was just strong, he couldn't get out of it.

"You put yourself in such a high pedestal, you act like you are the best when we both know that it's not the truth, you are a second-rate player from a country that is not even that good at the sport, the only reason it seemed that you shined is because everybody else is garbage, now listen to me when I say this, if you don't get your shit together don't ever think that you could be number one, "Nakada said to Rin before he tossed him aside like he was nothing to him.

He treated the second-best player in this whole facility like complete garbage, he usually wouldn't treat Rin like this, but this bastard be fucking up way too many times.

This game should have been over already, he should have won but this bastard decided to mess everything up by missing all the opportunity he created for him.

Unknown to everyone else on the field, this treatment that Rin just received along with the fact that throughout this whole match he was getting played by Luna.

Every single time that he had messed up, every single time that Luna made fun of him started to piss off Rin and what Nakada just did was the needle that broke the camel's back. (A/N the saying was probably something else but I forgot)

Rin eyes started to swirl furiously as anger and rage boil withing him, he wanted to crush everyone on this field.

Teammates or not, he especially wanted to beat Nakada, Veins started appearing near his eyes and with his tongue out and the fact that he was slightly salivating.

Rin looked like a complete monster.

Time skip
As Nagi received the ball, he trapped with his back feet but before he could think of doing anything with it.

Rin ran past him and as Rin's eyes looked back at him, Nagi felt something that he had never felt before.

A Huge urge to just past the ball to Rin, he did not resist the urge and passed the ball to Rin.
Rin received the ball and directly ran toward the most crowded area.

"Is this kid insane"Adam said upon noticing Rin sudden change.
'Crush, destroys' was all Rin could hear in his head, his body moved this instinct alone and unlike his brother.

Rin style was more ugly, more animalistic while his brother 's style was more pretty, more majestic.
Their style were polar opposites of each other like Ying and yang.

Rin soon came face to face with Luna.
"Don't you know that putting your tongue out is a bad habit," Luna said with a smile on his face.

Rin decided to face Luna in one vs one, everytime he try to get past Luna, it was blocked.
He was starting to get irritated.

Meanwhile somewhere near behind Rin, Nakada eyes seem to be looking at him from a far and like a black hole it seem to be absorbing what it was seeing.

Another vein appeared near his eyes and just like that, a clicking sound was heard in his body, the final piece that he needed was right in front of him.

A animalistic style of play, a play style driven by you're instinct, Upon feeling this new feeling.
Nakada decided to place himself in a position where the ball would be as he had not confidence on Rin actually dribbling past Luna.

And just like he expected a Rin try to past Luna again, Luna leg sent the ball rolling backward, As Rin looked back to see where the ball was.

He saw the ball rolling back to the feet of it's owner, Nakada softly tap the ball upon receiving it before he look at Rin and said "Let me show you, how it's done"

Next chapter draft

The ball flew toward the goal and the goalkeeper jump to get it, the bthe ball flew by the goalkeeper's hands and hit the post.

Nakada immediately got up and chased after the ball, he would not mess it up twice.
As the ball landed near Nagi, Cabassos was already on him trying to press him but with the prodigy's eyes being pure black.

Chapter ## preview

He had won and now it was time for him to actually get in a good exercise as this was his warm-up, as he left the field he stopped at the end before he looked back at the defeated team.
He then opened his mouth before and said "Get better."

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