Preparation (58)

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Time skip
Nakada looked at Rin before he looked at the field, it would be a good idea to train and make some strategy but something told him that Rin wouldn't really understand what he was trying to do.

So instead of trying to do that, he open his phones and started to watch some highlight of some players plays and trying to replicate them.

Nakada watched the players movement and watched their muscle tense before releasing for a huge burst of power as the kick seem to have broken a lot of record for a kick.

Nakada watched everything attentively as the talent that he was born with, the one that he giving by birth was on full display.

The ability to perfectly copy any ability or skill of player and add it into his own arsenal, Basically the ability to copy and paste any ability or skill that he see.

He can recreate them perfectly as long as he has seen them once, goal that seemed impossible he somehow find a way to recreate them due to this ability.

The only downside to the ability was the fact that if his physic wasn't up to par to copy whatever ability he was trying to copy then it wouldn't really work as he intended.

It was a fucking pain in the ass to train so much that his body literally gave out every time, he doesn't even want to remind himself on how much he has push himself to make sure his ability is deadly.

The skill that he copy are identical to the real one and if there is a change it's because Nakada made some adjustment.

Every other skill that Nakada possess in his arsenal is due to him having this one singular skill, every single time that he devoured another player on the field.

A new skill was added into his arsenal, The Nakada impact was one of the skill that he had gained due to this ability.

He had witness the ability at work once on a field and took it as his own, thinking back about it, he kept remembering everytime he went to the library to study.

He even asked his dad a lot of question about it which were answer, Due to his high football iq and the fact that he was a genius.

He was moved to play in the A team for Barcha even though he was only 12,what could he say he was that good.

Although due to the fact that he hadn't yet experience puberty and the fact that he was quite young.

He did get throw around a lot,even though he lacked in high or physical ability he more than made up for it in term of skill and ability to control the field.

Nakada however just look at Bachira practicing his dribbling skill before something pop up in his head.
He had to first finish the video that he was watching as it was hella entertaining.

"A scoring trap huh, that seems fun"Nakada mutter to himself standing up.
He then walked toward Bachira before walking toward him.

He would make Bachira stop the habit of looking around for his monster, he will teach him to instead use the monster to create endless possibilities for himself.

Nakada passed the ball to Bachira saying" Mind if I join"
"The more the merrier"Bachira said with a smile on his face

"1 vs 1, you against me"Nakada said stretching a bit.
"You read my mind," Bachira said excitedly.
"Let's see what your monster can do"Nakada said smiling and just like that the two of them got into a match.

Nakada could notice that Bachira was excited but this was more for Bachira than himself, sure he could always ignore him and just focus on himself but he couldn't.

It was like watching somebody struggle to beat a level when the answer is right under their noses, it just bugged him the wrong way.

He could see that Bachira was close to unlocking his potential and all he needed was a push in the right direction.

Sure that might not be too egoistical of his part but sitting at the top with no challenge is kind of boring, he wants to actually have a challenge someone to push him.

His growth kind of depend on how much he is getting pushed, he knew for a fact that if he was playing with a professional team right now instead of joining this program full of second rate soccer player.

He could have improved a lot more but he didn't care at this point as he knew tomorrow he would face against the world five and that was the biggest challenge that he had to face yet.

Sure they might best him but let them try it, if they dare underestimate him just because he is a kid, he will not hesitate to show them what this kid could do.

Chapter 69 preview

"Sunday, moanday, chuesday, Wed-nes-day"Bachira said thinking to himself.
"It's pronounced whenzday, Dumbass, only Sunday sounded right"Rin said a bit annoyed at Bachira.

Bachira proceeded to write'it prounouces wenzday dumbass' on his paper.

"I can fly,friday"Bachira said throwing a paper airplane at Rin head.

Next chapter preview

"Bah Ha, Dam they are scrawnier than I though"Silva said laughing, I knew he wasn't the one talking as he looked like a silverback gorilla.

I thought that I was staring at an ape for a moment before I realize it was Silva.

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