Chapter Sixteen

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~~~Scarlett's Pov

Nina and I pulled up in the drive way around six o'clock. I shut off the car engine and took the key out of the ignition. I slowly open the door of my car and got out. Nina came out shortly after. We were tired and just wanted to get some rest. It had definitely been a long, and rough day and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and forget what happen between Julian and I.

Unfortunately, I couldnt. I was going to take Nina's advice and see what happens. But don't get me wrong, I'm not going to give up everything I believe in just for a man like that, a compromise would have to be made or this will never work out in any body's favour. Julian will have to yield whether he likes it or not. But I'm not going to be a sitting duck for any man, so he can walk all over like a fricking carpet. Hell no.

I approach the door to my house and ring the door bell. Nina and I were cool again. After seeing her like that and how she really felt about me and my situation, I didn't want to make things complicated or weird between us like that ever again. I ring the door bell and our maid, Maria answered. "Hello miss." She greeted me.

Not having the strength to return her greeting, I just nod my head instead. Nina, on the other hand, greeted her, "Good night Maria. Excuse Miss. Ross behavior she had a long day. Okay?" Nina said in a modulated voice. Maria just shake her head and close the door behind us. We headed upstairs and I place my belongings on my night stand.

"Is it me or is the house really quite? Like your parents aren't even here..." Nina suggested. Come to think of it, the house was really quite indeed. I walked towards my bedroom door and called Maria. A second later she appeared.

"Yes ma'am." She asked.

"Are my parents here?" I questioned her.

"No their not. They're attending a pack meeting." She replied truthfully.

"What about Pierce? Is he around?" I asked.

"No ma'am. He's at the same meeting with your parents. Is that all ma'am?" She finally said.

"Yes, thank you Maria. And I apologize for my behavior earlier. That was rude of me, sorry." I told her honestly.

She smiled and said, "It's okay ma'am. We all have our bad days, it's what makes us human afterall." And she was gone.

I turn on my heel and went back inside my room. Nina was sitting on my bed texting in her phone. "You were right. My parents aren't here. They went to some kind of meeting. So did Pierce." She drew her eyes from her phone screen and look up at me.

"So let's go for a run. It's been ages since we let our wolf run and feel free." She suggest. I thought about it for awhile and think that she was right. I haven't let my wolf run for days and it was definitely starting to resent me. I had to let her into her wolf form and become one with me again.

"Okay, let's do it. But we should change first." I told her looking over our appearances. I was still in my attire from last night after math with Julian, Nina was already in a different change of clothes.

As if she read my mind she said, "I'm still changing Scar. So don't look at me like that." And she flip her brunette hair over shoulders. She got up from off the bed and went in the bathroom carrying a pair of black leggings and a white tank top that she saw in my closet earlier.

I went and picked out a grey yoga pants and a black body blouse. Five minutes later Nina was dressed in her clothes and ready to go. I use the opportunity and just change right then and there in my room, while Nina was occupying the bathroom. I put my hair in a high pony tail, placing a white Nike head band round my head. "Ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, definitely." I picked up my car keys and told Maria that we're going for a run. We headed out the front door closing it behind us. We got in the car and drove to Park Edge. It was twenty minutes away from the pack territory, but it was an isolated park hidden from unwanted trespassers (humans). It was profusely populated with trees and free space to roam and be free. It was a werewolf haven to release the beast from the it's cage.

We arrived twenty minutes later, I parked the car in a parking lot that was close by the park. There was a metal sign that said "DO NOT TRESPASS" in bold fonts. Nevertheless, Nina and I ignored the warning sign and went through the fenced gate anyway. We were finally in the confines of Park Edge, it was oak - brown and primitive. The grasses we stepped on were crackly beneath our feet because of the recent dry spell. We were in awe of the size and majesty of the trees. Their knotted arms rose ever so upwards, as far as our head could lift. They were hoary of fortresses and stood proudly. The lovely orchestra of birdsong could be heard all over the prehistoric forest.

I glance over at Nina, as she was immensely captivated by the beauty of this isolated place. "Are you ready to shift?" I ask her, taking her out of her trance.

"Ye-- Yeah, let's do it." She took a deep breath and close her eyes. Within a blink of an eye the transformation started taking place. Hair spouted everywhere on Nina's lithe body, she fell down on her knees and hands. I saw her desperately ripping off the pieces of clothing off her body, for it felt too constricting during the shift. I could see her legs shrinking to become that of a wolf's, her hands were now covered with long claws and took the shape of her wolf's legs. Her breathing had become raggedy with each bone contracting to take its wolf form. She screamed, then howl, as she threw her head back, her teeth growing sharper and more precise than ever. Her irises changing from their human color to a beautiful shade of gold, the transformation was now complete and she revel in her wolf form.

Nina's light brown fur now shone under the barely, visible moon light that now hung over us.

I brace myself as the transformation can be painful if a shewolf didn't shift in a long time. And I know I was guilty of that, I was stressed out about the Julian situation and what decisions I was going to make after that. And then it happen, a sharp pain shot through my head that made me wanted to run for the hills, I ripped off my clothes instantly. The bones in my body were contracting, SNAP! BEND! SNAP! Pain soared throughout my entire being as I drop to the ground on my hands and knees. Massive hair growth simultaneously takes over, and I could feel my legs contracting from there average length to something shorter with sharp claws growing from my cuticle.

Within a few more minutes my body had fully transformed into its wolf form. My white fur encompassing me in a thick, woolen, warm blanket. I saw Nina sprinting through the forest running completely free and uninterrupted. I dash after her letting my wolf take control, I felt nothing but utter bliss to let my wolf run wild and unbothered around the abandoned park. We did this for what seemed like forever. I let my snout took a whiff of the different earthy scents that traveled throughout the entire park. It was definitely a wolves haven.

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