Chapter Twenty - Four

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I needed my mate's blood. It was the only way to strengthen my connection with her, so I could find her once and for all.

But how? My wolf ask.

Park's Edge. My subconscious replied.

I took a deep breath as I gather my thoughts. I put on my helmet and made my way to Park's Edge.

Twenty five minutes later, I found myself in the abandon park. I park my bike at the curb and took off my helmet, resting it the handles of the bike.

I made my way through the fenced gate. It looked the same, since the last time I came here with Pierce. I found myself standing at the exact spot where Scarlett and the shewolf had their showdown. I could see the remains of Scarlett's blood mixed in the dirt. The blood had already dried up.

This is useless! I could feel my wolf getting angry by the minute. I punch the tree next to me out of anger. I felt something splash on my face. I thought it was just rain drops, and didn't pay much attention to it. I let my wolf howl through the night as I punch the tree again more rapidly. The tiny rain drops fell into my mouth, but I didn't care.

I was breathing hard by now. My knuckles were swollen and bruised up. I sat down and lean my back at the tree. Calming myself. My eye lids were slightly close. Then the strangest thing happen, I could feel Scarlett's energy flowing through my body. Is like I could see her through mental images in my mind. I could her face busted up and swollen. Her wolf was waning.

I clutched my fists hard. I could feel my claws scraping through my skin.

Scarlett, where are you baby? I mind linked her. No response.

I tried again. It's me, Julian. I need to find you and bring you home.

Where are you?

Then all I could see was still darkness.

The small ounce of connection I had with her, had just vanished. The worst part, she didn't even answer.

I got up off the floor and walk back to my bike. I place my helmet on my head and I put the bike into motion, as I rode into the night.

I arrived home thirty minutes later, to see Pierce emerging from the kitchen and into the living room. His face scrunched up in a 'ew' manner.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

"Nothing. It doesn't even matter any ways." I told him dryly.

"Yes, it does. Especially, if it involves my sister." He spat sounding irritated.

I sighed as I put my palms over my face.

"Okay. I tried to see if I could locate Scarlett. That's it. But I failed." I told him honestly.

"What do you mean you 'try and locate Scarlett but failed'? He asked incredulously, with a flummoxed expression written on his face.

I began to tell Pierce about the night that I went and visited Stella, so she could give me some insight on locating my mate. I explained the procedure to him, and that I needed to have her blood in my system to make the bond even more stronger to locate her. As I sat there telling Pierce everything up to where I went to Park Edge tonight and what I experienced, his entire countenance had suddenly lifted. Like he was starting to believe that there was still hope in locating Scarlett's whereabouts.

"So all we need is Scarlett's blood?" Pierce asked after I was finished.

"Yeah, basically." I told him.

"We need a witches touch." I saw him get up from where he was sitting and his eyes had a flash of mixed emotions in them. But one particular emotion stood out more boldly than the rest. Anger.

"I think it's time we bring Scarlett home once and for all."

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