Chapter Twenty - One

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I stirred in my sleep as I anticipated what was to come. I was still oblivious to who would want to kidnapp me in the first place but, my mind couldn't comprehend any of it.

Then in the early hours of the morning, my door was being unlocked unexpectedly by two guards. They forcefully dragged me out of bed, I screamed as loudly as I could. But one of them slap me across my face silencing me immediately. Everything was passing me in one big blur. My face felt as if it was swollen by the slap. I wanted to cry but I fight back the tears and remained strong.

I'll be damn if I showed weakness infront them like a little child getting scold by her parents for misbehaving. We approached a black door, that was open on arrival instantly. We entered the room, and there was a long table with about twelve chairs and one of them was occupied by a female.

I stared at the woman in awe. Her porcelain skin illuminated from the florescent lights in the room. Her natural brunette hair framed her round, oval shaped face perfectly. She got up from her seat and made her way over to the two guards that still held me in their captive. She was slim and stood about five feet and five inches tall. She wore a pair of demin jeans, a blank tank top with a black blazer and a pair of Liz Caliborne boots that reached the knee.


My head jerked to the side.

"How dare you," she said through gritted teeth.


Another painful hit across the cheek.

"You took him from me." She told me in a hoarse tone. "I was going to stand by his side and be his Luna. But no, you decided to show up now and ruin everything!"

Enough of these fucking slaps! I saw her hand coming for my face again, I quickly broke out of the guards grasps and held her hand in mid air before it made contact with my face again.

I held her hand firmly in mines. "You fucking slap me again and I won't be responsible for my actions." I said lethally as I threw her hand away, releasing her from my grip. The guards quickly restrained me as they were surprise I had broken out of their hold.

She stared at me in shock. "How dare you?" She asked bewildered.

I didn't answer her. Instead my brain had finally put togther the puzzle. Now I know why I was here. She's jealous because she thinks I took Julian from her. I began to laugh. She looked perplexed for a minute before she asked her question.

"Why are you laughing? Is this some kind of joke to you?" She looked me in my eyes with all seriousness.

I stared back defiantly.

"I'm laughing because your mentally screwed up in your head. Not even the FBI could crack that one." I spat to her.

She didn't reply so I continued, "You tracked me down, you fought me, you slice my torso opened, sedated my ass and kidnapped me for three days! For what reason I might ask? Oh - don't answer that because I know the answer now. Because you thought I stole your precious Julian Cesario from you!" I chides at her.

"Because you did! I was going to marry him and become his Luna." She argues to me.

"Well here's a fun - fact for you, he's not your mate, I am. So I didn't steal him from you, we were destined to be together for now and forever."

I saw the color in her face drain instantly. Her eyes flashed with anger as I told her the truth.

"You can't be serious? Thats a lie!" She exclaimed. I shrugged, not in the mood for anymore of this foolishness.

She lifted her hand again in attempt to hit me in my face. I stood my ground ready to pounce on her if she tried that shit again.

"Enough!" A male voice boom in the room.

My eyes dart back and forth to see who was talking but didn't see the person immediately. Then he emerged from the shadows of the room. It was the same man that had cleaned my wound for me earlier. He had seize her hand in mid - air stopping her in pursuit. She looked shocked to see him holding her hand.

"Let go Jaxton!" She hissed.

"And I said enough, Elana." He instructed harshly. Pushing her roughly that she stumbled among the row of chairs around the table.

"Go to my office right now," He spun around on his heels now facing me, "Release her now and leave before I'll do something you'll both regret." His voice commanding as he briefly gave his instructions.

Everyone left the room, it was quiet and still now. No one spoke. I lift up my head fully now, my eyes trained on his. I saw that his eyes were a smokey pair of grey orbs. They held me captive for the longest time as if I was under a spell or under hypnosis.

He was making his way over to where I stand. As he reached he scanned my features with intent concern in his eyes. He placed his palm onto my face, I took a step back and glared at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"Your face. I was looking at the bruises on your face." He retorted.

"Well don't! This is some utter bullshit. She had me kidnapped because she thought that the powerful and ruthless Alpha and her were going to live happily ever after." I drawled sarcastically, rolling my eyes in the process.

"I know your upset. And I apologize for that, but you have to understand that she loves him." He pleaded innocently.

I stared at him dumbfounded. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She loves my mate. My heart felt like it had stopped beating, like it was being ripped out from my chest and being stomped on.

I fell on my knees, and for the first time in my life I let myself become vulnerable infront of another human being. I started to cry, weeping mercilessly infront of this man.

He stoop down at knee level, "Please don't cry." The strand of tendrils that stick to my cheek, he slowly and gently removed them. Wiping my tears with the back of his hand.

"Do you love him?" He questioned. I didn't know if I love Julian or not. But I do know that I have strong feelings for him, and hope that one day I'll love him unconditionally. But the thought of someone else loving him apart from me, tug at my heart strings.

"I care for him," I deduced.

"That's not good enough. She loves him and you dont. The only reason you're together because fate ordained it. Not because it's out of true love, but by fate." He told me.

Right then and there, my heart felt like it had just shattered into a million pieces. Because his words held the truth. We could've never love each other if it hadn't been for fate.

"The only way you're able to leave is if you tell her that you don't want your mate." He continued further.

I agape upon him, "You mean you want me to reject my mate?" I asked incredulously. To reject ones mate is the hardest thing a female shewolf can do to her mate. It may cause Julian to go in a state of depression or even madness.

"Either that or death." He stated firmly. Getting up from off the floor. "If you would excuse me, I have other businesses to attend to. Choose wisely." And he left the room. Leaving me with decisions that my already - wounded - heart couldn't take.

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