Chapter Twenty - Seven

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~~~Scarlett's Pov

I walk up and down this entire building looking for her.

I storm into an office and saw the same man with the beautiful features staring back at me.

"Where is she?" I asked in a lethal tone.

"She's not here." He replied.

"Where is she then if she's not here?" I ask through gritted teeth. I clench my fists feeling my nails digging deep into my flesh. The pain felt comforting, letting me know that I was still alive. These past few days I felt numb. Numb to my surroundings, numb to the pain, but mostly numb to the bullshit.

"Why do you want to know about her whereabouts so desperately?" He question with a hint of glint in his eyes.

"She's never going to release you, you know. You did take the only person who she ever cared for." He kept on rambling.

I took a step towards him, slowly. "I never took anything from anyone. Your crazy sister is delusional. And it's disgusting that you think that I have taken her precious Julian Cesario from her. He was made for me, and I for him. And that's how it's suppose to be."

His face was set in a hard, grim and expressionless manner. But I didn't care. He was feeding his sister a bag full of lies and it was sad to see.

"You're stupid if you think that. You don't even love him, remember you saying that?" He said in a mocking tone. He's getting in my head. He's toying with me. I held my head high despite his childish remarks. I had to remain strong. It was the only way right now, and possibly the only way to keep my composure in tact.

"I don't care what you want to say. This is ridiculous and ludicrous. Just let me go! God damnit!" I yelled, knocking my fists on the table.

He started to chuckle. Did I give a joke? I don't remember giving a joke. He's really starting to piss me off. This sick, sadistic bastard was laughing at me.

"I have a proposition for you Scarlett," my name rolling off his tongue sent shivers down my back. He got up from his seat and made his way around to where I was standing. "The only way I will free you is if you can fight my sister and win."

I was now eye to eye with this handsome devil. My chest was heaving. I had this perplex look on my face. I just knew it, I could feel the creases in my forehead coming together to give off that confuse look.

He wanted me to fight?

As if he had heard my thoughts, he answered, "Yes, I want you to fight her. If you fight her and you win, then you're free. If don't--" He said inching closer to me. His mouth was now close to my ear, "If you don't win, then you're to be mine until I seem fit to release you."

His hot breath came in contact with my sensitive flesh, making goosebumps appear on my skin. My breathing felt all too shallow now. But I remained calm.

I stared at his impressive features before I could gather my thoughts to find the right words to say to him. I open my mouth and close it again, not too sure what I was going to say to him.

I quickly darted my tongue out and swiftly lick my dry coated lips. I watched his eyes trail the swift action of what I'd just did. Then the unthinkable happen.

He kiss me...

//A/N// Oh shit! He kissed her. What's going to happen now?!

(A) Will she tell Julian?

(B) Will Jaxton tell Julian and get him really, really, really angry?

(C) Will Scarlett kiss him back?


(D) What's will happen if he finds out???

Stay tune Happy Readers. Continue reading. And Stay Wicked.


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