Chapter Nineteen

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Where am I? I asked myself.

I was lying on the stone cold floor in a tiny room with no light. My head was hurting and my throat felt sore. I was in pain beyond my wildest imagination. I groan as my eyes adjust to the darkness, but it was useless, my head was pounding rapidly.

What's wrong with me?

Why am I here?

The last thing I could remember was being at Park Edge contemplating about Julian and I relationship or lack thereof. When I was attacked by another she wolf, ripping my torso open, weakening me and sedating me. I hiss a curse under my breath, I couldn't believe I was in this predicament. But for how long? I don't even know how long I've even been in this place.

I hope my brother and Julian come looking for me soon. Or else I'm going to be dead. So many questions were going through my mind right now. Why was I kidnapped? What's the purpose of this set up? Most importantly, who is behind this? I rack my mind but I was at a dead end.

I laid on the floor loss in my thoughts. When I heard foot steps approaching my door. Every instinct in my being stood alert, my wolf was hurting but she was ready to fight. The foot steps came to a halt, the keys rattling to turn the knob. I didn't turn off my side to see who or what it is. I just lay there, waiting.

"Why is she here?"I heard the deep male voice ask.

"She took what was mine." The female said. "She hasn't waken yet, let's leave her until tomorrow." And the door was closed behind them.

'She took what was mine.' The words reverberated in my head. What's that suppose mean? The fuck? Now I was even more confuse than ever. With the pain searing through my body I couldnt think properly to even conjure up a reasonable explanation to why I was here and who were my captivators much less.

All I know that I needed to get out of here fast before things get out of hand.

****Meanwhile back at the Pack...****

~~~Julian's Pov

I was pacing the floor of Alpha's Caine study, watching the time on the clock ticking by. Where the fuck is Scarlett? She was suppose to be home by now. That's when Pierce burst open the door with panic written all over his face. "Where the fuck is she?!"

"I don't know." I inform him calmly.

"Don't fuck with me Julian. I know you guys haven't been on the best of terms since you've been here. Now she's missing!" He said through gritted teeth.

"You think I had something to do with Scarlett's sudden disappearance? Are you fucking kidding me?!" I was getting angry by the second at this preposterous accusation. I look Pierce straight in his face, my eyes flashing with anger. "Scarlett Ross is my mate Pierce and I would never, ever do nothing to jeopardize that. Especially, something stupid as to kidnapped her."

"You're Scarlett's mate?!" He said in a strident tone. " That's why you took the job didn't you? To be closer to my sister, whose your mate." I nod my head in agreement. It was the truth, no point in denying it.

Fuck, I heard him say under his breath. That's when there was a knock on the door. "What is it?," I heard Pierce demanded.

It was one of the men that was suppose to be in charge in watching the parameter of the pack. "Sir, we got a lead on your sister. She went to Park Edge to do her evening run. Her car is still there and so is her scent."

"Thank you." The man left us. Pierce look at me with intent glare. I stared back waiting for him to accuse me again falsely or to make a snide remark.

"I'm not here to argue with you Julian. I just want my sister home. This is unlike her. So for the sake of my sister and your mate, let's put aside our differences and find her and bring her home safe." He held out his hand for me to take.

I took it into mine, "You don't have to tell me twice."

Pierce left the study to change his clothes. I was in deep thought about who would want to harm Scarlett. I hadn't told anyone about my mate back at the pack apart from Chazz. But what if he leak it to the pack? My subconscious questioned. I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number. It start to ring, he answered on the second ring, "I was wondering when you were going call again. What's up?"

"Chazz did you tell anyone about Scarlett being my mate?" I ask him.

"Heck no. You didn't give me permission to do so. And besides, it's not me to tell the pack that Scarlett is your mate, it's you."

"Well we have a problem Chazz..."

"What's the problem Julian?" He ask in a concern tone.

"She's missing. She went to Park Edge for her run and she isn't back yet. They only found her car." I told him.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Chazz yelled over the line. I remove the phone from ear and put back it when he'd calm down. "Have any leads as to who could be behind it?"

"No, no clue what so ever. But I swear, mark my words Chazz, whoever is behind this is going to regret fucking with me and my mate." My words held meaning and depth behind it. I was going to kill the person that held my mate captive. Nobody is going get away with this-- unless is through death.

"Just let me know how things are going with the search. And if you need help you can always count on your uncle and me to help out. She's going to be fine and your going to get her back in one piece." Chazz told me.

"They better or else that is one dead son of a bitch." I end the call. My wolf was in killing mode. I could feel him taking over. My eyes didn't even feel like they were golden but something other.

"Julian," I didn't hear Pierce enter the living room. "What's wrong?" He came over and touch my shoulder. He looked frightened, but he hid it well. "Your eyes." Was all he said.

"What's wrong with my eyes Pierce?" I asked.

"Look for yourself," He direct me to a mirror that hung on the wall in the living room. I look in the mirror and saw that my irises were bright red instead of gold.

"Why are they red like that?" He asked.

"Because you never fuck with an Alpha's mate." I replied in a cold tone.

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