Chapter Seventeen

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It was a Friday morning when our parents were going on their long deserved vacation. My dad always say that he couldn't run the pack forever and that one day Pierce would have to take over. Which was true, he needed rest and just to relax himself like anybody else. But I think dad doesn't think Pierce is ready to take over the pack. Just a gut feeling I have, at the end of the day Pierce is the only person who can make that decision on his own. Nina went to spend some time with her mom for awhile so she won't be here for a couple days.

As I took one last look in my full length mirror, I headed out the door to see Pierce walking out the same time as me. "Hey there future Alpha." I tease him, poking him in his abdomen.

He laughed and shrug me off playfully, "Morning Scar." We both enter the dining area where Maria had already set the table with delicious, mouth watering food. Different cutlery and silverware material decorated the entire table. Pierce and I sat on opposite sides of each other. Shortly after our parents arrived in the dining room wrapped up in each other arms. They were giggling and playfully touching each other.

I could see the love in both their eyes. I wanted that. I know that my mother was the only woman for my father. I have her personality, headstrong and independent. Maybe that's why we couldn't agree sometimes, because we were too alike. Pierce cleared his throat, "Can we eat now please? You can save the lovey dovey for your trip." I smirk at his comment.

"One day you'll fall in love son. And trust me you're going want to her all the time." My dad stated. I made a face like, what-the-fuck?

"Dad! That's gross, kill that visual right now." Pierce said as he made an "eww" face.

"What your father means Pierce," as my mother took her seat at the dining table. She then gave my father a stern look, with a face expression that says what-heck-are-you-saying? "That love is needing someone, so desperately with every fibre of your being. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because it some how completes you. Maybe it doesn't make sense now but hopefully you'll understand soon enough." She finally said.

"You know that came out wrong sweetie, so please no more death glares. There's so much a man can take." My dad said, looking my mother straight in her eyes. And knowing her she couldn't stay mad at him forever. God, I envy their relationship. It was too darn cute.

"Shall we eat Caine?" My mother asked in flat tone.

"Soon dear, remember we have a guest coming this morning. He should be here in..." My dad looked down at his watch as he count in mono syllables "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

"Sir, your guest has arrive." Maria said in her thick english accent. When the person emerged from behind Maria small figure I nearly collapsed in my chair. It was Julian! What the fuck is he doing here?! My subconscious screamed. My wolf was happy to see our mate, our eyes connected briefly. My father got out of his seat to greeted Julian.

"Jules, I'm so glad you could make it." My father said in a chirpy voice.

Jules?!?! The fuck is this?

I was so stunned I couldn't believe my ears. Did my dad just call Julian Jules?

"Alpha Caine, thanks for having me. I hope I'm not late." Julian shook my father's hand and guided Julian to sit beside Pierce. Whew! I let out a deep breath.

"So everyone I want you to meet Alpha Julian Cesario, Alpha of the Madrid Pack. He'll be overseeing the pack until Pierce is certain that he can handle the pack by his self." My dad stated in his Alpha's voice.

"Over--," I cleared my throat to get my message out clearly for everyone to hear.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mother questioned.

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