Chapter Fourty - Two

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I was in deep sleep. Sleeping away my pain, my humiliation, my pride and my broken heart. I couldn't believe this. God, I messed up big time. No mate. No love. No nothing.  My senses felt numb. My eyes sore due to the heavy flooding of tears I was shedding.

"Come to bed Julian."

That one line was on constant replay in my mind. Like a scratch record. My brain failed to erase it. It was a just a reminder of how badly I'd fucked up.

"Scarlett!" I heard someone calling my name. I didn't pay it any mind. Didn't want to acknowledge it.

"Scarlett Ross!" The person sounded again.

"Wake up!" I groaned at this intruder who was breaking me from my slumber of thoughts. I didn't want my best friend to see me like this, vulnerable, pathetic and weak. But what could I do, he's my mate for christ sakes. But it was already too late, Nina had burst through my door fuming, I'd imagined.

"Oh my God, Scarlett..." She whispered as she came closer to my bed and looked at my current state. She sat down on the edge of the bed, putting my head in her lap. "What happened?"

I couldn't answer her. My mouth opened, but no words came out. How embarrassing it is for me to express my feelings that I'd loss my mate. It wasn't a sure thing. But I could feel the hurt in the pit of my stomach. No wonder he hasn't called, he was occupied with other things, or in his case, other people.

A female companion to be exact.

No wonder he stayed two months behind. He wanted to have his fill of all the women in England. He said two to three weeks, and that turned into two fucking months. He was probably banging the hell out of that bimbo. Trying to get rid of me from his memory. Not wanting to have anything to do with me anymore. Just great on my side.
Way to make me feel like shit, Julian.

I hadn't opened my eyes to look at Nina. She stroke my locks that had created a messy bird nest on my face. It was relaxing.

"Is it Julian?" Again she asked.

The only response she got was my silence.

"Talk to me Scar Bear." She said tenderly, still stroking my hair and slowly removing it from my face.

"I messed up Nina." My voice cracking as I spoke. "I royally messed up."

"Tell me what happened babe." She inquired.

I licked my dry lips. My throat was slightly sore, nevertheless I spoke up. "I decided to call Julian last night." I felt Nina stilled but quickly resume back to position.

"When I called I thought I could've explain to him everything that happened. Apologize . Inform him about my parents gala, and all that extra shit." I sniffed as I continued. "To my dismay, he was drunk. It felt so good to hear his voice Nina. So good." I remembered.

"Then I got the shock of my life. There was a woman that was with him. I could hear her in the background. She said 'come to bed Julian.' In one those seductive tones." I started to cry harder because it hurt a lot.

Damn you Julian.

"It's okay honey." She shushed. "We're going to get over this. I'm here. And I know Pierce can kick his ass for cheating on you." She said to lighten the mood.

I slightly cracked a smile at the thought. I slowly open my eyes, looking up at Nina. I squint my eyes a few times to get a good look at my surroundings.

"Your eyes are so puffy." She observed.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I muttered bitterly.

"Even with a broken heart, you still manage to pull sarcastic comments, huh?"

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