Chapter Fourty

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Know The Difference Between A Woman And Girl. Same Gender, Different Breed.

- Khole Kardashian.


"So what's the plan?" Nina questioned.

A evil smirk made it's way to my lips. "To make Julian Cesario green with envy."

She chuckled. "You do realize that those bimbos in the picture have nothing on you right?"

"Stop being mature about this." I sneered at her. "I want to have some fun. And see Julian feast his blood lust eyes on my bathing suit." I reveal my swim wear to her.

"Are you fucking serious?!" She shrieked.

"Hell yes!" I said calmly.

"He's going to kill you Scarlett."

"He's going to do it in bed." I winked at her. She laughed.

"Let's go crash this party." She said.

I took up my wrap and put it on. Nina and I had already packed our bags and was now heading out to my car. I pop the trunk and she place the bags in there. This was going to be a very interesting encounter.

~Julian's Pov

I was on the beach with Chazz and the entire pack members. It was going great. Everyone was having fun and just enjoying themselves. I wish Scarlett was here so I could enjoy this some more. But she turned down my offer. I took a deep breath and looked around the beach.

I saw one of the pack girls coming my way. I rolled my eyes beneath my shades as I was annoyed by every female here already. Chazz was right, alot of people hadn't met Scarlett yet. Which meant, they didn't know she was my mate. I'll have to change that and fast.

"Hi Jules"." Dominik purred as her lacquered nails travel down my biceps. My body jerked slightly at the contact, sending a chill ran down my spine.

"Dominik." I stated dryly.

She pouted her lips, trying to be cute. "Don't be so cold Jules." She said advancing closer towards me. "Where's that girlfriend of yours anyways?"


"Dominik, she's not my 'girlfriend', " I said to her using air quotations for emphasis. "She's my Queen, which makes her your Queen, which means I am mated to her and she to me. What a cliché term such as girlfriend to be thrown around so carelessly. It's a bit basic. And she's not---basic" I stated looking her up and down, and back on the sea of people that were enjoying themseleves.

Her face was stark white with embarrassment. The expression written on it was priceless. She was stunned beyond her own imagination.

But I didn't care. She talks too much.

"How--" I cut her off before she could stuttered another word.

"How what?" I stared at her. "Get out of my face Dominik. And get yourself some respect and dignity, maybe then and there a real man will give you the time of day. Now bounce." I fanned her off.

Too embarrassed to say anything, she quickly stormed off. Hurt and humiliation had stung her like a bee.

C'est la vie! I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

Chazz I called through mind link.

Poor Dominik, Jules. What did you say to that poor child?

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