Chapter Thirty - One

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~~~Julian's Pov

I arrived at Haven Dale Pack Territory on time. I had told Pierce about my plan before we reached, and he agreed. I went in search of Scarlett immediately, while he and Chazz would come in after if things came out of hand.

I didn't have to search far, because the loud noise came from the arena.

My senses were heighten. My Wolf was antsy. And we both knew something was wrong. My nose began to sniff the air. And it caught a strong scent, a scent I hadn't smell in a long time.

Vanilla and Jasmin mixed with blood.


No, Scarlett!

I found myself infront of the arena doors. Two huge, bulky men stood there guarding the door. They had a smug expression on their faces. My wolf had now gone completely wild, I could feel the color of my irises changing to a deep, pure red. I swiftly attack both the men that guarded the door heavily.

I busted down the door, taking it off its hinges. I saw Elana standing over Scarlett's lifeless body with a sword in held in the grasp of her hands.


My wolf was now in berserk mode and I couldn't control it, not even if I wanted to.

"ELANA!!!!" I growled, a loud growl erupted throughout the entire arena.

There, my mate lay unmoving, my fangs elongated ready to unleash hell onto to Elana. My fists were clutch tightly, I could feel my wolf taking over as the colour of my orbs start changing their color. As I was ready to attack Elana, I was being held back by a stoic Pierce.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell harshly.

"Look!!" He growled pointing to where Elana and Scarlett were. I saw her lithe form getting up off the ground. Her back was slashed, legs and her abdomen as well. She expertly roll the blade in her hand. The air seem to tense around the two warriors, the crowd cheered mercilessly. Apparently, at Scarlett's strength, for not giving up.

Her eyes roam the arena until it made contact with mine. Blazing green clashing with crimson red, somehow she nod her head indicating that she's alright, that she was going to finish this fight on her own. I looked down for a brief second, not sure if I'd wanted this. Fiercely looking back up, I gave a stern nod for approval. Something tell me she had to do this, that she wanted to do this for herself, probably even for us as well.

My muscles became tense, but slowly wane into uneasiness. I wasn't sure what to expect. I know Elana strong point with weapons were swords. They were her favorite and with good hand technique, she could easily damage you. So far, Scarlett had already been damaged. The two women clash in the arena, attacking each other like starved dogs being treated to a bone. I look to see Scarlett's leg kicking Elana in the stomach, sending her flying across the dirt turf of the arena.

Beautifully done, babe.

A smirk form at my lips as I witnessed my mates battle technique.

Elana's body slammed hard into ground. An uproar of cheers and jubilation filled the atmosphere of the arena. The girl's fight some more and this time it was Scarlett who had the upper hand in the battle. Each time she beat Elana, weakening her defenses, Elana got up back.

Damn this bitch is strong.

I could see Scarlett getting restless but remain relentless at the task at hand. Elana got up off the ground one more time, her body was swaying slightly, staggering maybe. Not wasting no time, Scarlett charge at Elana, inflicting cuts on her legs, across her chest and her arms. Her body arched it self at the pain she'd received. I saw her drop to her knees, her head bowed. Scarlett now standing a good distance from her. Her brows creased, like she was calculating her next move to finish off Elana once and for all.

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