Chapter Thirty -Two

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~Two Days Later~

It had been two days since the aftermath with Jaxton and Elana. I hadn't visited Scarlett since then. I just couldn't bring myself to see her hopeless and stiff in that bed. It tugged at my heart strings. My wolf was bashing me for being a coward and not seeing our mate.

I sat in my study thinking about what I was going to say to her when she woke up. I checked in with Jonathan, the packs resident doctor and he told me she was fine. Her wounds were healing fine, and she just needed alot of rest before she's fit again.

"She called your name, you know." Jonathan stated one day when I went to visit him about Scarlett's progress.

"Why are you being so afraid all of sudden?" He questioned me.

"I'm not scared. I just don't think after all this craziness, she's going to stay with me. I put her life through a very traumatizing experience John." I confess to him.

He sat at his desk, going over patients documents and ensuring that everything was operating smoothly. He took off his glasses and stared at me.

"I don't think you should make that decision Jules. I bet whatever happened to both of you in the beginning can be rectify now. This experience can lead to two things, one: it can bring you guys closer than ever, or two: it can drive you guys apart forever. But don't make that decision for her because you "think" it's better that way. Consider everything before you lose everything." His words were on repeat for days.

I guess he did have a point. I didn't want to lose the best thing that happened to me, because I was terrified that she'll leave me after everything that happened. And losing a mate can result in the other mate going mad and into a psychological depression.

One night I gather my courage and went to check on Scarlett. I was standing infront of her door way, I slowly place my hand on the door knob and turn it. I enter to see Scarlett's little body cascade with tubes. Her eyes were close and she was breathing steadily. Her caramel skin was restoring it's color, and she seem peaceful.

I wanted to run my fingers through her scalp, and kiss her lips.

But she kissed Jaxton!

I felt a sharp stab in my chest. Yes, she did. The same way I had sex with Elana. Another stab tug at my chest. I felt shitty about that stunt, but I knew it would come to haunt me sooner or later. I walked over to the bed and place a chaste kiss on her forehead. Her vanilla and jasmin scent brought memories to our first encounter in the woods. It set off every male harmone known to man. I chuckle at the thought.

I quietly slipped out and walk back to my study.

In the mean time, Chazz and I were ensuring that the people of Jaxton's Pack had somewhere to go, or to ensure they had a new leader. It was alot of them, but they didn't need to suffer because of Jaxton's and Elana's mind games. So I took the responsibility to ensure that they had somewhere to go and be stable.

After the incident, I took some of my men along with Chazz and went back to Haven Dale Pack. When we enter pack grounds the people looked at us as if we here to off set another attack. They looked at me with so much fright and terror on their faces. When I walked towards them they took a fearful step back.

"Listen up, I'm not here to kill you. I'm sorry that I killed your Alpha, but he left me no choice. His sister and himself deserved to be punished, and they didn't leave much room for freedom. Elana kidnapped my mate, nearly killed her and her brother was an accomplice in the whole ordeal." They stared at me as if I was talking gibberish. I took a deep breath and spoke again. "So I'm here to place each and every one of you in a new pack. I made some calls to some close relatives and associates, and they're willing to help me." I calmly informed them.

"Why should we trust you?" A skinny female with red curls boldly asked. "You killed our leader, we should kill you too. Now you want to cast us off to other packs where we might become burdens to those people. Like some charity work...!" She exclaimed.

I internally groaned. I wasn't about to have this with them right now.

"Listen, I know you all think I'm this ruthless and cold-hearted bastard, and guess what? I am. Get over it. I'm here to help and all of you are acting as if I'm going kill you. I never do nothing without a reason. Your leader was a coward to begin with. Why would he uphold such slackness without considering your feelings or the repercussions of his actions? And now I'm here to ensure you people move forward with your lives and enjoy it."

They all murmured among themseleves. They seem to have understood what I was saying to them.

An elderly man came forward and spoke, "Yes Alpha, we accept your help. And you're right, our own Alpha didn't even consider our feelings or the repercussions of his actions, when he made those decisions. I can see that your a man of your word and you don't do anything without a reason."

His words were wise and genuine. I may not be the most favored Alpha in the immortal world, but I am a damn good one. And I always ensure my pack is put first. I don't believe innocent people should suffer for no reason. My father taught me that at young age to always look out for people before he passed. Uncle Thorn made sure I was on the right path through and through. I didn't become an Alpha for the hype or the popularity, but to make wise decisions and to be respected. More importantly, to make my father proud.

After a few days of contacting various packs and asking for their assistance, they agreed. After one week, the pack members of Haven Dale Pack Territory were being reimburse over different parts of the states to start a new chapter in their lives and to move on from the horrid tragedy of their old pack.

I was on the balcony of my house just over viewing the city. It was a long week, I needed to take a breather and relax my mind. When I heard someone approach me from behind. I didn't bother to turn around to see who it was. The large frame appear beside me.

"You missed him don't you?" Uncle Thorn penetrated my thoughts.

"Everyday of my immortality." I responded.

"You did good Jules. Your father would've been proud of you." He told me.

I didn't bother to respond, we both just stood their in silence. Sweet nothings just passing between us as we look upon the beauty of the city lights.

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