~ Epilogue ~

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Seven Months Later with baby in tow...

*** Scarlett's Pov


My body convulsed at the wave of pain that woke me in the middle of night. I removed the covers and turn on the lamp that sat on top of the night stand. I look down on my bed where I was sitting, where a liquid substance was covering my legs and the sheets.


I was breathing heavily right now. Sweat bedded my forehead, as it was run down the sides of my face. I scream out so loud that I think Julian could've heard it all the way in England.

Ugh! Fucking England!

After Julian's proposal on the boat, we decided it would be a good idea to get married before the baby was born. So we did. During our reception, Julian received an emergency call that he was needed immediately to take care of some pack issues in England. Something about rogues attacking the city and killing innocent civilians.

Knowing my husband, he was quick to assist Uncle Thorn because he was the only father figure he knew. Which meant he respected him enough to do it. So he quickly got on his private jet and left, not without saying goodbye to his wife first of course.

"I love you. I'll be back before the baby is born, I promise." He said his lips close to mine as he spoke.

My body was in flames. "I love you too." I murmured against his lips. He gave me a deep kiss before he went on the jet and left.

"Mom!!!" I cried out in sheer agony.


I was sitting up against the head board in my bed, sitting in a pool of water. My little boy decided it was time for him to face the big bad world, as he was ready to grace us with his presence. I looked on the clock on the night stand and it was after midnight.

Great. And I was enjoying my damn sleep.

I now throw off the covers on the ground as I groan in pain.This was the most excruciating pain ever next to having sex for the first time. I felt like ripping my hair from the roots as the pain was taking a toll on me.


Another wave of contraction jerked my body. "Mom!!" I bellowed again. The door instantly burst opened. My mother finally coming to my rescue, she quickly rushed over to where I was on the bed. She immediately picked up my baby bag that Julian and I prepared weeks ago, so we wouldn't have that problem when the baby decided to come.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here." She cooed in my ear.

I quickly scanned her clothes, and realized she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple blouse. She called Pierce, who was casually dressed in a black shirt and jeans with his black converse.


I let out an earth shattering scream. I want Julian. NOW!!

"I need my phone!" I barked as Pierce picked me up. "I need to inform Julian!"

"Where is your phone?"


I cried at the turmoil of pain I was feeling. "On. The. Dresser." I said between deep breaths. He carried me over to where my phone was and I reached for it. He quickly carried me down the massive flight of stairs. I groaned in anguish, while rubbing my baby bump.



By time we reached outside, the car had already been set in the motion. My father was behind the steering wheel. Pierce put me in the backseat of the car where an excited Nina was awaiting me. My mom was at the front with my dad.

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