Chapter Twenty - Five

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Dedicated to Kresley Cole.


~~~Scarlett's Pov

"Scarlett, where are you baby?"

"It's me, Julian. I need to bring you home."

"Where are you?"

"Julian." I murmured hoarsely.

I wake up gasping for air. As if I was in a dream. I was drenched in sweat. But it wasn't a dream, because the bond had felt so real and so strong. Julian had been talking to me through mind - link. I could feel the slight energy of his wolf radiating through mine.

Tears filled my eyes. He's still looking for me. And all this time I thought he would've given up on me. I came off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a shower, and cleaned up my own bruises.

I sat in front of the mirror and examined myself, and I didn't like what I was seeing. And I wasn't talking about my appearance, but what lied beneath it. From I've been here, I've been treated like shit. Had been vulnerable. Weak. And been pushed over by that Elana bitch.

I clenched my fists. And a flash of anger was seen in my eyes.

But most importantly, I doubted Julian. I thought he had given up on me. Not to mention, the conversation I had with Jaxton about Julian and the love I had for him.

Being here made me realized that I had been foolish and naive. I didn't do anything wrong, but I was the one who was kidnapped and not him. Isn't that a damn shame.

It was time to put things into action. And time to realize who I am. And if Elana thought she'd won, she better think again.

I got some fresh change of clothes and put them on. You the know the usual, black combat boots, skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I'd put my hair into a high pony tail, letting my tresses hang flowy in my back.

I think it's time Elana and I had a talk.

I made my way outside of my small room in search for Elana. Slamming the door shut behind me.

~~~Julian's Pov~~~

"Where are we?" I questioned Pierce.

We arrived at an house that looked about a hundred years old. It was three stories high and looked as if it was on its dying breath of collasping.

"I told you we needed a witches' touch." Pierce told me. "Just trust me. Did you carry the stuff I told you to carry?" He asked me after.

"Yeah, I did." I took the duffle bag from the backseat of the car and open it. It contained Scarlett's hair brush and her favorite bottle of jasmin and vanilla perfume.

"Are you sure this is going to work? I mean I have never heard of a witch called Nïx in my entire immortal life Pierce." I snorted

"First of all its Nïx, the Ever-Knowing, Soothsayer to the Stars. And she's a witch that can predict the future. That's why I carried Scarlett's picture, so she can see if she can locate her using her locating spell or we let her create a potion that can allow you to track her down. Got it? Good. Now let's get this over with." And he came out the car.

I followed shortly after. We knock on the door and it open immediately. A ethereal beauty, with small pointy ears, along with glowing skin stood in the doorway. It was fascinating.

"You must be the people here to see Nïx, huh?" She absently said.

"Nïx!!!" She yelled. "You got guests that needs your assistance." And she left us stranded at the doorway confused.

The first thing I saw were a pair of pink pumps, with long lean legs approaching us. If I thought the glowing one was beautiful, I was wrong. She was gorgeous beyond compare. She had beach blond hair, small pointed ears and a straight nose that accentuated her face perfectly. Her tan skin glowed under the lights magically.

Don't get me wrong, my mate is just as beautiful and perfect in every way. But I've never seen these kind of strange beings before and they were captivating. Anybody would be stun at their beauty. I wasn't lusting, I know that for sure nor was I interested. But I was admiring the strange being for the first time. Like a baby fixated with a shiny too toy. It was fascinating, even Pierce was awe struck by the creature.

"Let me guess," she said calmly. She stared at Pierce and then examined me second. "You must be Pierce, Alpha in training," she said to Pierce.

Then she looked at me with her beautiful other worldly eyes, "And you must be, the ruthless, domineering Alpha King, Julian."

I blanched. I was impressed at her powers.

How did she do that?

"I'll tell you everything you want to know Alpha King. Please follow me." And she walked down the hallway. We looked at each other flummoxed.

We closed the door behind us and follow the ethereal beauty to her office.

We entered the office and saw her seated in her chair.

"Sit." She said. "How can I help?"

"I'm trying to locate my mate. But first of all, who are you?"

She crack a smile. "My life is not important at the moment. But I will give you a brief background of who I am. I am Nïx the Soothsayer and can predict the future. I can only give you brief details, sometimes it doesn't happen right away, but it can guide you.

I am a Valkyrie. Legend has it that "When a maiden warrior screams for courage as she dies in battle, Wóden and Freya heed her call. The gods give up lightning to strike her, rescuing her to their hall and preserving her courage forever in the form of the maiden's immortal Valkyrie daughter."

My kind survives from electrical energy of the earth, sharing it in the collective power, and give it back with their emotions in the form of lightning. We possess preternatural strength, speed, and senses. Without training, most can be mesmerized by shining objects."

We sat there listening to every detail. And it was mind boggling at what she had described.

"Now that interrogation is over. I think it's time I get to do my work." And she was back to doing business. "Do you have the frame?" Pierce took the frame from the duffle bag and place it in front of her.

"She's beautiful." She said as she looked at the frame. She touched it lightly, as if she was taking in every fine detail Scarlett's face.

We saw her eyes began to change from a different shade of her original color, to a white silver color. She lifted her head to the ceiling, and we saw her mouth moving, as if she was chanting some magical mantra in a different language.

After five minutes, her eyes came back to its original color and her head was in its normal position. Her calm, relaxed facial features had change to a more serious, and undermined one.

She put the frame down gently. And stared at me with a stern expression.

"Who is Elana Rodriguez?" She asked me directly.


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