Chapter Nine

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~~~Julian's Pov

I still hadn't told Chazz about my mate. We went on our usual morning run in our wolf form, dashing and sprinting through the woods. It was exhilarating as Chazz and I were racing to the river that lay ahead. Chazz and I rushed out of the woods the exact same time and leap in the river howling at the cold temperature it was in.

I came out of the river and shaking my grey fur before shifting back into human form. I put on the shorts that lay on the cool grass. Chazz was enjoying his time in the river, he shortly came out as he waggle his white fur splashing droplets of water onto my dry skin. I let out a curse and he laughed.

"So what happened to you last night?" He asked sheepishly. "And dont lie Jules I'm not stupid."

"The Alpha wants me to oversee his pack." I stated coolly.

"Why? Doesn't he have a son for that?" Chazz asked incredulously.

"Yes, he does. But he doesn't think he's ready. Don't worry I'm thinking about it."

Chazz took a deep breath before answering, "Well if you want to then no problem. I won't object to your decision. But what's the deal with that girl in the black dress, she was hot!" A smug look appeared across his face.

This fucking bastard.

"Whatever you're thinking, don't even bother. She's taken." I said, not wanting to rip his throat out.

"By who?" Before I could answer he continued, " I know the guy at the bar was her brother Pierce, but I know every guy wanted to tap that--" I gripped him by his throat cutting him off from finishing his sentence.

"Enough! No man will ever touch or even tap that ass because that ass is already mine!" I release him, breathing hard now. I heard Chazz chuckling.

"Fucking hell, took you long enough to tell me she was your mate. I had to drag it out of you. Dumb ass!" Chazz said rubbing his swollen neck gently. As I was about to open my mouth, Chazz interrupted me again by waving his hand in the air. "You're forgiven. Don't be a dick next time. But enough of that now, when will the pack meet her? And what about Elana Rodriguez?"

I chuckled at Chazz. "I don't know yet. The other night she knee me in my balls."
I chuckle at the memory and how she handled herself when she reiterated my line in my face: 'Never challenge me Julian.' And she left me howling in pain. That was pretty hot.

"She kicked you in the balls and you're laughing like a Cheshire cat. She must something pretty damn special or you're just p*ssy whipped. Which is it?" Chazz asked idly.

"Both." I told him. "The fact that she's headstrong, stubborn, and wickedly sexy. It turns me on, makes me want her even more. Make her mine."

My stubborn mate.

My wolf was getting restless. We weren't with our mate and that made us livid. I know she feels the same. I can feel it through the bond, even though it wasn't strong enough. For it to be really strong, I would have to mark her. Only then, the two can truly be one with each other, as well as the mark will intensify our connection.

If you want to achieve that, you already know what to do. My wolf stated.

Instantly, Alpha Caine's offer came to my mind.

"You still haven't answered the question Jules." Chazz hissed, interrupting my thoughts. While he was still rubbing his neck, I felt like an ass for doing that to him.

"What's the question again?" I asked in exasperated tone.

"Elana Rodriguez." He said. "What are you going to do about her?" He asked.

"What the hell you mean what am going to do about Elana?! You can't be serious." I looked at him dumbfounded. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I don't see what the big deal is, Elana is not my mate. She was just a girl I had sex with which was good. But that's it, no emotions attached.

"I'll handle Elana. Don't worry about it." I informed him.

We headed back to the pack house after we were done discussing about the Alpha's proposal, my mate and Elana. I enter my house around noon to see Elana sitting in one of the chairs in the living room. I let out a curse under my breath and walk pass her to go to my room.

"So your not going to acknowledge my presence Julian!" She hissed through clenched teeth.

Causing my muscles to flex in the wrong way. I ignored her and made my way upstairs. I heard her foot steps quickly trailing behind me and my large frame. "You have some nerve Julian Cesario. Why are you avoiding me?!" She enter my room with my back turned to her.

"Shut up Elana, now is not a good time." I said, closing my eyes and clenching my fists tightly. She was getting really annoying each time she spoke.

"It's never a good time. What the hell Julian! I can't see you, hear from you, you're always doing work. No time for me, but when you want a booty call you know where and how to reach me!" She spat.

Didn't she know what her role was? I think I need to enlightened her. I turned around in a swift movement, my eyes heated at her words. How dare she she step out of her boundary?

No, I don't tolerate such petty and immature behaviour from anybody. Chazz was right, feelings did got involved with this broad. I gripped Elana by her upper arm and shake her, hard at that. I stared down at the annoying female in my presence.

"You don't scare me Julian. So don't think for one second I'm intimidated by you."

"How can you when you're fucking me! I guess my dick gives you superior confidence, huh? Listen to me Elana, I don't tolerate you invading my house every chance you get, creating tantrums like a damn five year old and yelling at me. I don't respect that at all. We're not married, you're not my mother and most importantly you're not my mate! So don't think for a second just by screwing me means you're entitle to any privileges. It just means you're a good fuck. By no means you get to disrespect me in my own home. Don't test me Elana, I will kick you out of this pack. Now get the fuck out of my house!"I pushed her away roughly, and she stumbled but quickly recover.

"Fuck you Julian, you're going to regret this." And she left with tears welled up in her eyes.

I made a mental note to change the locks on the doors. She might be beautiful in the face but a pretty face always lead to a psycho bitch. I shake my head as I took up my phone off the night stand, I went through my contact list and search for Thorn's number. I found the number and dialed it immediately, it ring a few times before he answered.

"Nephew." Uncle Thorn said over the line.

"I need a favour uncle." I said coolly.

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