Huzzah! Mario's Talking to a Reporter! Absolutely Nothing Could--OH COME ON!

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"Ian said no one moved." Amy says in the bar with Destiny. "Torrance had no clue what just happened. Hummel repeated 'I quit', and Torrance called him a bitch."

"Aw, I'm sorry." Destiny says.

"Stop apologizing." Amy admonishes.

"I swear I didn't know I was gonna walk out like that." Destiny says.

"You were dressed to the nines." Amy goes on. "Do you know the story's that you walked out because you couldn't go the distance?"

"I do." Destiny nods, then swallows another shot. "God, I'm such a bitch."

"Talk to your uncle--"

"Nuh uh." Destiny says immediately.

"He'll take you back."

"No way." Destiny says.

"You were starting to get somewhere." Amy points out. "They can't afford to lose you."

"It was a miracle I didn't jump out the window." Destiny says dully. "Place was filled with empty husks that used to be humans. The light in their eyes went out a long time ago."

"Then what?" Amy asks.

"I gotta look for an apartment." Destiny replies.

"What, you don't like living with your parents?" Amy jokes.

"Like it? I LOVE it." Destiny says sarcastically. "Out all hours of the night when I know they're in bed, leave before they wake up."

"Sounds rough."

"I've found a few leads." Destiny goes on. "But it's gotta be big enough for the kids to visit, and small enough to where it's free."

"Destiny?" the bartender interrupts. "Phone for you."

"Hello?" Destiny asks, taking the phone. "What did she say?" a beat, then. "Is everything alright? Did she say what she wants? Fine, I'll call first chance I get. Thanks, Ms. Santoro." She hangs up, then redials.

"What was that?" Amy asks.

"My mom." Destiny says. "Said she needs to talk to me."

" Hello? "

"Mom? What's the matter?" Destiny asks right away.

" Destiny, hi! " Beatrice says cheerfully.

"What's wrong?"

" Not a thing. Why? "

"You left a message about some kind of emergency." Destiny tells her.

" Says who? "

"Says Ms. Santoro when you called her. She said you needed to speak to me urgently. I'm here. Talk urgently." Destiny orders.

"We ran out of milk."

"You what?" Destiny looks at Amy, rolling her eyes.

"Your father wanted me to make a cake, so I needed milk."

"That's all?" Destiny asks.

"Uh huh."

"Well now I'm invested." Destiny says sarcastically. "What happened next?"

" I went out and bought more. "

"Really great story, mom." Destiny deadpans. "Ever think about becoming a writer? That would be a bestseller."

"You don't believe me, do you?" Beatrice accuses. " You'll be sorry when I'm not around anymore, and all you'll be thinking about is, 'why didn't I believe her?' "

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