"Shut up, Mino." Giovanni says goodnaturedly. "I knew it. The ground is uneven. Did you see it?"
"Gio, it's just bocce!" Mino complains.
"Just bocce he says." Giovanni rolls his eyes as he sips his Michelada. "Then you won't mind letting me win, would you? Since that's what you're letting me do anyway."
"Gio, we're out in the fresh air! Who cares?" Mino sys frustratedly.
"I do! Which has now doubled just for saying that." Giovanni decides.
Elsewhere, Destiny's knee deep in a bowling game. She's actually not all bad, either.
"Aw, quit showing off!" one heckler complains.
"Who's showing?" Destiny teases as she walks back to the return. "I just let my ball do all the talking."
"You're really good." One guy comes up. "Make the pins explode. Mind if I give you a few pointers?"
"I wouldn't mind some pointers!" a girl behind them calls.
"You hate bowling!" Destiny calls back to her.
"I hate bowling because I'm a successful saleswoman at an insurance company."
"An insurance company?"
"Insurance is exactly what you're gonna need after she tells you about her job." Destiny heckles. "And she only got that job because of her parents!"
"Like you're any better?"
"True, I work in my dad's factory." Destiny concedes. "He makes the best flour in Brooklyn."
"You serious?" Now the other men look interested. "Think you could get me a discount for some flour for my ma?"
"You kidding? Absolutely." Destiny promises.
"Now how about that bowling lesson?" the guy offers again.
"Listen, you Nonno svitato!" Matteo yells into a phone behind Giovanni and Mino. "Do not think for one second you're better than me! You will never be better than me! Now give me what you promised! Do you understand, you bastardo? Just a moment!" Now Matteo sets the receiver down in favor of picking up another one and starts yelling into that one. "There you are, son of a bitch. Do not for one second try to–La vita alla fine ti raggiungerà più velocemente di quanto avrei mai potuto fare io." a beat, then, "No, I'm not fucking sorry!"
"Matteo!" Giovanni finally exclaims, making the other man look up from the phone.
"What, you need to use the phone?"
"I do not!" Giovanni says exasperatedly. "For Christ sake, we're here on vacation! Act like it!"
"I'm not acting like it?" Matteo asks facetiously, but Giovanni doesn't catch it.
"No, you aren't!" He replies. "You're acting like you're still at work! You're supposed to be up here to get away from all that! Look at us! Are either of us still at work?" Giovanni gestures to himself and Mino.
"No you are not." Matteo confirms.
"See?" Giovanni tries.
"In fact you're not doing anything at all." Matteo says coolly. "You're just standing around a playground like children."
"It's not a playground, it's a court!" Giovanni argues.
"Sorry I can't play in the sandbox with you two, but when you get to be where I am, I don't have the luxury of going on vacation!" Matteo shouts. "I don't get to let my muscles atrophy or let my brain turn to mush. I get to work myself to the bone until I die from a stress induced heart attack."
I Just Want to Be With My Wife
فكاهةSequel to Thank you and Goodnight! Starting the career was the easy part. Keeping it is a whole other ball game. Disappearing for the whole summer and starting a new romance? Forget it. And yet, Luigi's gonna do it all. What could happen?