13. 1..2...3 Pose

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I didn't recognize the person in the mirror, but I wasn't disappointed. "You look so grown!" Sasha squealed.

They'd just finished doing my makeup and hair, and now the only thing I had to do was get dressed. I got a short red latex dress, that was held together by lace on both sides.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror before walking out of the dressing room. "Ohh that is sexy." Sasha smiled. "I know, it seems like a little too much," I said.

I wasn't used to this, and it was probably obvious. "No! You look great, but you need to own the look, not the other way around." She said.

I held my head up and made my way over to the backdrop.

The photographer smiled, "Ready?"

I nodded.

I covered my mouth as we looked through the photos, "Who is that?" I asked. I looked so different, it even looked like I did this for real. "That's you." The photographer nodded. "You're a natural." She continued through the pictures.

I looked at the pictures I'm disbelief, "This is crazy." I shook my head.

"I'll send these to you unedited and you send back the ones you want for the final product." She explained. I nodded, "Okay."

She closed her laptop and started to pack, "Oh, and here's my card just in case you decide to take it seriously." She handed me a card. "Thank you," I said before heading to the changing room.

I shook my head when I walked in on Sasha knocked out on the loveseat. She swore she would stay up and support me, "Get up lazy broad." I wanted to say something else but I don't curse.

She stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. I decided to change back into my sweats and t-shirt before trying to wake her again. "Aye." I shook her. "Five more minutes." She grumbled.

"Girl they're about to close, getcho butt up," I said seriously. "Ugh!" She rose slowly. "I hope you're about to take me to get food for all my hard work." She stretched. I scoffed, "All you did was throw out compliments and sleep." I picked up my backpack and threw it over my shoulder.

"Like I said, hard work." She stood from the couch. I rolled my eyes and opened the door, "Come on." I said.

After picking up some pizza we went back to her place, "Yes!" She shouted as we walked in. She had always been dramatic but since she got pregnant it has doubled, maybe even tripled. I watched as she flopped on the couch, "Can you make me a plate too." She looked over at me.

I frowned, "Absolutely not." I said.

"Come on! I'm pregnant." She said. I walked over and sat down, "And barely, you not even showing yet and you're being annoying already." I said turning the TV on.

"Mean ass bitch." She started getting up from the couch. "Whatever." I took a bite out of my pizza and continued to watch TV.

I cleaned my plate and then laid down on the couch since Sasha ate in her room.

I woke up to my phone ringing, repeatedly, I reached for it blindly. "Hello," I answered. "You thought we were playing with you?" My dad yelled from the other side of the phone. I frowned, "What?"

"When you leave that boy's house, make sure to come pick up your things. We're washing our hands with you." He hung up not giving me a chance to say anything back. I looked at the phone in confusion, "What the heck?" I stared in disbelief.

I stood from the couch slowly and made my way to Sasha's room, "I'm about to head out." I peeked my head in. She looked over, "Girl it's 3 in the morning, just wait until the morning." She said.

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