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WORDS: 3800+
After a few meetings with Jalal Ansar, Imama tried her best not to face him again, not to think about him, not to go to Zainab's house. She even tried to limit her relationship with Zainab. Each of her defenses failed miserably.

With each passing day, Imama's helplessness was increasing and then she gave up.

"There is something in this man, before which all my resistance dies."
And maybe that was her confession Which once again attracted her to Jalal. At first her powerlessness was unconscious for her, then she consciously replaced Asjad with Jalal.

"After all, what is the harm if I want to be with the person whose voice keeps me coming back to my Prophet Hazrat Muhammed SAW again and again?Why should I not wish to attain the person who loves Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAW more than me? What is the harm if I pray for the destiny of this person, for whom I have feelings and whose character I am familiar with? What is wrong if I want to be identified as Jalal Ansar? The name of the only man whom I feel jealous of when I hear it." She had every proof, every justification.

Very imperceptibly she began to go wherever Jalal was likely to be found, and he was often found there. She would call Zainab when Jalal was at home because he always received the phone when he was at home. The small talk between the two gradually became longer and then they started meeting.

Neither Javeria, Rabia nor Zainab knew about the growing relationship between Imama and Jalal. Jalal was now doing a house job and Imama started visiting his hospital often. Despite not expressing love regularly, they were both aware of each other's feelings for each other. Jalal knew that Imama liked him and this liking was not of a normal nature. Imama herself had come to know that Jalal had started to feel some kind of feelings for her.

Jalal was so religious that he never imagined that he would fall in love with a girl, not only that he would love but that he would meet her in this way....... But all this happened very imperceptibly. He never mentioned to Zainab that there was any special relationship between him and Imama. Had he revealed this, Zainab would have surely informed him of Imama's arranged relationship with Asjad. If he had come to know about such a relation of Imamah at the very beginning, he would have been very careful about Imamah, then at least there would not have been any question of Imamah becoming an involve to the extent that she had become.

In one such meeting between them, Imama proposed to him. He was a little surprised at Imama's courage because at least he himself had not been able to say it even though he wanted to.

"Your house job will be completed in some time, what will you do after that?" Imama had asked him that day.

"After that I will go out for specialization." Jalal said with great convenience.

"after this?"

"After that I will come back and build my hospital."

"Have you thought about your marriage?" She asked the next question. Jalal looked at her with a surprised smile.

"Imama! Everyone thinks about marriage."

"Who will you do?"

"It remains to be determined."

Imama remained silent for a few moments. "Will you marry me?"

Jalal immediately started looking at her. He did not expect this question from Imama. "You feel bad about me."

Imama asked him seeing him dumbfounded. He suddenly regained consciousness.

"No, it's not," he said helplessly. "I should have asked you this question. Will you marry me?"

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