The Legend of Broken Promises

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The King of Deceit. The final dream. He was terrifying yet so attractive at the same time. So beautifully painful to look at. His story was the death of all good things and all good things were the death of him.

This is how it goes:

On Angel's final night of prophetic sleep, she dreamt of a beautiful boy-a beautiful boy whose birth itself was the start of his karma. He was born in the Eastern Kingdom-the Kingdom built on promises and loyalty. The kingdom of everyone's dreams.

When he was born, no one could ignore his red-as-blood-hair and alarmingly empty eyes. Not so much as a pupil rested in his pure white optics, but his Mother and Father still loved him dearly despite his oddities.

Yet, as he grew older, the promises of his beloved home kingdom began to break and the kingdom itself began to crack. It was an unstable mess and the townsfolk all pointed fingers at the boy.

"It was his birth that caused this!"
"If he would just die we would be free of our tribulations!"

These words echoed both outside and inside the castle walls for years and years. It grew worse each day and each day he failed to understand what he could have possibly done. His only hope and trust was his Mother since even the King turned his back on him in disgust.

But, one night, he was awoken and taken out to his balcony. He clung to his mother as she held him, feeling her warmth and trusting every word she said. But her next words rang heavy in his ears. "This had to be done."

And then she dropped him.

He plummeted from the balcony of his own palace and landed on the hard, icy ground. He was writhing in pain as his life slipped away, but all he could focus on was the beautiful sky. It was the dead of night and the earth's ceiling was pitch black yet full of life. Stars swirled and galaxies glowed above him, so much so that his eyes absorbed the sight, and his empty voids became homes to shooting stars and beautiful glimmers.

The moon above him shown on his empty skin and filled it with pale, shimmering light so he would forever reflect the splendor of the night he died.

Just behind him, the kingdom went up in roaring flames with all that he ever knew inside dying in crackling silence like a candle melting in the dark. And he breathed. And he sat up. And it was day.

And before him was a black and burnt castle surrounded by fields of white snow. He stood up, stepped inside and sat atop the throne of all that used to be.

But all that used to be was gone. And it was not his. But, his kingdom was no longer built on empty promises. No, it was built on lies. For his star-stricken gaze could see deceit as clear as day and could deceive even easier than he could sense it. His mouth was a cauldron of brewing trickery. He had an endless ability to manipulate whoever he wanted-whether he wanted to or not.

And people came to him. And people asked him to tell them who was lying. Who was telling the truth. And he told them each time. "It won't cost you much-not much at all." And each time, they left with a part of their souls missing and a part of their souls nestled itself in his watchful eyes.

But his fate didn't end there. With all of his lies and tricks, he accumulated more karma than which he was born with. And he suddenly became cursed even more.

You see, whoever he came to love or care for-whoever he yearned for or needed-would betray him. They would turn their backs on him or maybe just stab him in his if he didn't deceive them first.

So, his life was destined to be filled with endless lies and despair for all of eternity. Because he saw firsthand that there was no truth-there was never any truth. And he was the walking reminder that no one is noble and everyone is a plague of deceit.

And after that dream, Angel awoke in a cold sweat. She couldn't take it anymore-not a second longer. So, she ran outside and yelled a million curses under her breath before slitting her throat with a piece of broken glass.

But, as her blood seeped into the ground, it didn't stop the prophecies, it sprouted their seeds. And they spread from that land and scattered across kingdoms.

And on the same day at the exact hour-exact minute-the very same second-four babies were born across the globe and four prophecies were fulfilled. And The Legends live out their fates immortal and forever longing.

All anyone can do is wait for the day they decide to destroy the world, plague it with diseases, or take everything away from everyone-because their despair is too great not to exact revenge-and too large loo live quietly for much longer.

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