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The friends are still inside the barn, their mood tense. The sudden appearance of Riguel's older brother, ALEJANDRO, surprises them.

ALEJANDRO: (shouting through the door) Hey, everyone! Dinner's ready. Time to head back to the house!

RIGUEL: (relieved) That's a relief! Let's head back and eat. We can come back to explore later.

The group makes their way back to the farmhouse, trying to shake off the eerie feeling from the barn.


The dining room is warmly lit, filled with the aroma of delicious food. The table is laid out with an array of dishes. Alejandro is serving dinner.

ALEJANDRO: (to Natalie) I made your favorite dishes, Natalie. I hope you enjoy them.

NATALIE: (surprised and pleased) Oh, thank you, Alejandro! This looks amazing.

The friends sit down at the table, and the mood lightens as they start eating. Alejandro's special treatment of Natalie doesn't go unnoticed.

JAMES: (teasingly) Looks like Natalie's got a personal chef tonight! Are you sure this isn't a secret reunion?

KAYE: (laughing) Yeah, Alejandro, what's going on here? Trying to win Natalie back with your cooking skills?

NATALIE: (blushing slightly) Oh, stop it. Alejandro just knows what I like. It's been a while since I've had these dishes.

CATHERINE: (playfully) And here we were, thinking Natalie was just a quiet homebody. Clearly, there's more to her than meets the eye!

MARK: (jokingly) Alejandro, if you're trying to impress Natalie, you might be setting the bar too high for the rest of us.

ALEJANDRO: (smiling) Just trying to make everyone feel welcome. But if I've set a high bar, then so be it.

The friends laugh and continue eating, the earlier tension dissipating as they enjoy the meal. The conversation flows easily, with everyone sharing stories and jokes.

MATT: (mischievously) So, Alejandro, are there any more surprises up your sleeve tonight, or are we safe from more awkwardness?

ALEJANDRO: (grinning) No more surprises. Just a good meal and maybe a ghost story or two to keep things interesting.

NATALIE: (smiling) Speaking of stories, remember that time we stayed up all night telling ghost stories? That was fun.

RIGUEL: (laughing) Definitely one of the best nights ever. Let's see if we can top it this weekend!

As they eat and chat, the friends start to relax. The earlier tension seems like a distant memory, but the strange feeling from the barn still lingers in the back of their minds.

KAYE: (looking around) This is really nice. It's great to have everyone together like this.

NATALIE: (nodding) Yeah, it is. Thanks again, Alejandro. It's been a wonderful evening.

Alejandro smiles and steps back, allowing everyone to enjoy their meal. The atmosphere in the dining room is warm and cheerful, but a subtle unease remains as the friends think about their earlier experience.

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