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The atmosphere is tense as Catherine struggles to help Mark and Ben to their feet. The mysterious man, recovering from her attack, lunges at her with fury in his eyes.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (enraged) You think you can fight me and get away with it?

He grabs Catherine by the hair and slams her against the wall. She hits the ground hard and loses consciousness. Mark and Ben, still weak but more alert now, watch in horror.

MARK: (screaming) No! Leave her alone!

BEN: (pleading) Please, stop! Don’t hurt her!

The man steps over Catherine’s unconscious body, looking down at her with cold indifference.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (sneering) You should’ve known better, Catherine. This is what happens when you cross me.

Mark and Ben, filled with a mix of fear and anger, struggle against their restraints, trying desperately to reach their fallen friend.

MARK: (voice cracking) Please, just let us go. We won’t tell anyone, we swear!

BEN: (tears streaming down his face) We’ll do anything you want. Just don’t hurt her anymore.

The man chuckles darkly, ignoring their pleas. He begins to pace around them, savoring their helplessness.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (contemplatively) You think begging will change anything? This is bigger than you. Bigger than all of you.

He leans in close to Mark, his voice dripping with malice.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (whispering) You’re all just pawns in a much larger game.

Mark and Ben exchange desperate glances, their hope dwindling but their resolve hardening. They know they need to find a way out, but their options are dwindling.

MARK: (whispering to Ben) We have to stay strong. We can’t let him break us.

BEN: (nodding) We’ll get through this. We have to.

The man straightens up, smirking at their determination. He walks over to a nearby table, picking up a sharp object and examining it thoughtfully.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (taunting) Now, let’s see how strong you really are.

Mark and Ben brace themselves for whatever comes next, their fear overshadowed by their determination to survive and protect their friend.

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