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The basement is dimly lit, with shadows dancing ominously on the walls. Mark, in his desperation and anger, finally turns his attention to the woman who has been watching him and Ben.

MARK: (furious) You’re a monster! You and your twisted plans are pathetic. How can you live with yourself?

WOMAN: (coolly) You think you know what I am? You have no idea.

The woman’s face darkens with anger. She approaches Mark, her eyes cold and determined. She picks up a sharp, rusty object from a nearby table.

MARK: (defiantly) Go ahead, do your worst. It won’t change the fact that you’re a coward.

WOMAN: (fuming) Silence him.

With a swift, brutal motion, the woman plunges the sharp object into Mark’s thigh. Mark’s eyes widen in shock and pain.

MARK: (screaming) Ahhh!

BEN: (screaming in horror) No! Stop! Please, stop!

Ben, tied to a nearby chair, struggles against his restraints, his face pale with terror. The woman pulls the object out and steps back, her face a mask of cold satisfaction.

WOMAN: (voice icy) That’s enough out of you. We wouldn’t want to hear any more of your insulting remarks.

Mark’s breathing is heavy and ragged, his face contorted in pain. The blood seeping from his wound pools on the floor.

BEN: (pleading) Why are you doing this? What do you want from us?

WOMAN: (calmly) Everything you need to know will come in due time. For now, just be quiet.

Mark’s cries are muffled as he tries to control his breathing. The woman and the mysterious man exchange a look of dark satisfaction before turning their attention elsewhere.


Back at the farmhouse, the friends are gathered, discussing their plans for the next search. Their minds are preoccupied with worry.

MATT: (exhausted) We need to keep our hope up. We can’t let our guard down.

CATHERINE: (sighing) It’s been hours. I don’t know how much longer we can keep searching without any leads.

LUCAS: (determined) We’ll find them. We have to.

As they talk, the atmosphere is tense, filled with the weight of their concern for Mark and Ben. They’re unaware of the horror unfolding just a short distance away.


The mysterious man and woman, having left the basement, walk back to their hidden lair. Their conversation is low and conspiratorial.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (smiling) The more they search, the more desperate they’ll become. This is only the beginning.

WOMAN: (nodding) And as they grow more frantic, their mistakes will become our advantage. Everything is going according to plan.

The night continues to press on, and the farmhouse remains in suspense, the friends oblivious to the escalating danger just beyond their reach.

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