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Kaye is pacing in her room, still troubled and unable to shake the feeling of something being amiss. The door creaks open, and the woman from the basement steps in.

WOMAN: (gently) Kaye, you really should try to get some rest. It’s been a long day.

KAYE: (startled) Oh, it’s you again. I just... I can’t stop thinking about my friends.

WOMAN: (sympathetically) I understand. It’s hard, but you need to rest. Here, I’ve brought you some milk. It’ll help you relax.

Kaye watches as the woman walks to the kitchen counter, pours a glass of milk, and adds something to it. Kaye doesn’t notice as she’s still lost in thought.

KAYE: (sighing) Thank you. I really do need to rest.

The woman returns to Kaye's room, holding the glass of milk. She hands it to Kaye with a reassuring smile.

WOMAN: Here you go. Drink up. It’ll help you sleep.

Kaye takes the glass, grateful for the gesture. She drinks the milk quickly, feeling the warmth and comfort of the beverage.

KAYE: (sighing contentedly) Thanks. I’m starting to feel a bit drowsy already.

WOMAN: (smiling) That’s good. Try to get some sleep now.

The woman watches as Kaye begins to feel the effects of the sleeping pills. Kaye's movements become slower, her eyelids heavy.

KAYE: (yawning) I think I... I’m getting really sleepy...

Within minutes, Kaye falls into a deep sleep, the glass of milk slipping from her hand and spilling slightly. The woman picks up the empty glass, glancing at Kaye with a mix of satisfaction and indifference.

WOMAN: (whispering to herself) Goodnight, Kaye. You’ll be fine... for now.

The woman exits the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Kaye remains unconscious on her bed, completely unaware of the growing danger.


Back in the basement, the woman re-enters to find the mysterious man and the man still keeping watch over the captives.

(calmly) Kaye’s asleep now. She won’t be a problem for a while.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (nodding) Perfect. Now we just need to deal with the rest of them.

MAN: (smiling) Everything is going according to plan.

The captives remain bound, their situation growing increasingly dire as they wait for their next move.

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