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The friends are gathered in the living room, weary from days of fruitless searching. The mood is somber, but they are determined not to give up.

MATT: (exhausted) We’ve covered almost every inch of this place. We can’t stop now.

NATALIE: (worried) They have to be somewhere. We just need to keep looking.

CATHERINE: (frustrated) I’m so scared for them. What if something terrible has happened?

LUCAS: (trying to stay positive) We can’t think like that. We have to stay hopeful.

Suddenly, the sound of rain pattering against the windows breaks the tense silence. The group looks outside, seeing the rain coming down in sheets.

JAMES: (looking out the window) It’s really coming down out there. Maybe we should wait until it stops.

ELLA: (thoughtful) Wait a minute... Ben loves the rain. Remember how he always said it makes him feel alive?

NATALIE: (realizing) Yes! Maybe he’ll try to show himself if he knows it’s raining. It’s worth a shot.

JAMES: (determined) Alright, let’s go. We’ll split up and search again, even in the rain.


The friends spread out across the farm, their clothes quickly soaking through. The rain is cold, but they press on, calling out for Mark and Ben.

CATHERINE: (yelling) Ben! Mark! Where are you?

JAMES: (searching) Come on, guys. We’re not giving up on you!

LUCAS: (looking around) Please, let this rain be a sign. Show us where you are.


In the basement, Mark and Ben are in bad shape. They are bruised, bloodied, and weak from the relentless torture. The sound of the rain filters down, and for a moment, they feel a flicker of hope.

MARK: (weakly) Do you hear that, Ben? It’s raining.

BEN: (hoarsely) Yeah... maybe they’ll find us. We just have to hold on.

The basement door creaks open, and the mysterious man enters, a sinister smile on his face.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (mockingly) Still holding out hope, I see. How touching.

MARK: (defiantly) They’ll find us. You won’t get away with this.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (smirking) We’ll see about that. For now, enjoy the rain. It might be the last thing you hear.

He exits, leaving Mark and Ben in the dark, their hope flickering but not extinguished.


Ella, driven by her hope and memories of Ben’s love for the rain, searches more fervently than ever. She calls out desperately, her voice barely audible over the downpour.

ELLA: (shouting) Ben! Mark! Please, if you can hear me, give us a sign!

As she continues to search, she spots a faint, muddy trail leading towards an old, overgrown part of the farm. She follows it, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and hope.

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