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The friends are huddled together, fatigue etched on their faces, but determination keeping them awake. Their minds race with thoughts of how to find Mark and Ben.

MATT: (rubbing his temples) We’ve checked everywhere. We need a new approach, something we haven’t thought of yet.

NATALIE: (tiredly) What if we’re missing something obvious? Maybe they’re closer than we think.

RIGUEL: (worried) But what if they’re in trouble? We can’t waste any more time.

JAMES: (resolutely) We need to stay calm. Panic won’t help us find them. Let’s go over everything one more time.

LUCAS: (thoughtfully) Maybe we should search in shifts, so at least some of us can get some rest. We’ll be more effective if we’re not all exhausted.

The friends nod in agreement, though their worry remains palpable.


In the basement, Mark and Ben are still bound to their chairs, the pain and fear evident in their eyes. The door creaks open, and a new figure steps into the dim light. Mark and Ben’s eyes widen in shock as they recognize the newcomer.

MARK: (disbelieving) You?

BEN: (horrified) I can’t believe it. Why are you doing this?

The new man, revealed to be a familiar figure from their lives, smirks as he approaches them.

MAN: (mockingly) Surprised to see me? I thought you might be. Yes, it’s me. And you have no idea how much I’ve enjoyed watching your friends scramble around like headless chickens.

Mark and Ben exchange horrified glances, trying to comprehend the betrayal.

MARK: (angrily) You’re sick. Our friends are out there worried sick about us, and you’re laughing?

MAN: (smiling darkly) Oh, they’re very worried. But that’s the beauty of it. Their fear, their desperation—it’s all part of the plan.

BEN: (struggling against his restraints) What do you want? Why are you doing this to us?

MAN: (leaning in) Let’s just say, I have my reasons. And it’s not just about you. It’s about all of you. You’ll see soon enough.

Mark and Ben are left in stunned silence, the reality of their situation sinking in further.

MAN: (turning to leave) Enjoy your stay. Your friends will be joining you soon enough.

As he exits, the door slams shut, leaving Mark and Ben in the oppressive darkness of the basement.


Back in the farmhouse, the friends are still deep in discussion, unaware of the new revelation in the basement.

RIGUEL: (urgently) We need to expand our search. There are old parts of the farm we haven’t checked thoroughly yet.

NATALIE: (nodding) And we should leave markers, so we don’t cover the same ground twice.

CATHERINE: (sighing) I just hope they’re okay. This waiting is killing me.

LUCAS: (determined) We’ll find them. We have to.

The friends prepare to head out again, their determination undimmed by the late hour and their fatigue. The night stretches on, filled with uncertainty and fear.

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