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The rain continues to pour as the friends search desperately. Unbeknownst to them, Catherine is now also missing, but their focus remains on finding Mark and Ben.

MATT: (shouting over the rain) Has anyone seen Catherine?

LUCAS: (calling out) I thought she was with us just a moment ago!

ELLA: (worried) We need to stay together. Splitting up isn’t helping.

JAMES: (trying to stay calm) Let’s keep searching. Maybe she’s just up ahead.


In the dimly lit basement, Catherine, Mark, and Ben are bound and bruised. The woman who slapped Catherine earlier watches them with a cold expression. Suddenly, a man enters the basement and calls the man inside out.

MAN: (urgent) I need you upstairs, now.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (nodding) Keep an eye on them. Don’t let them out of your sight.

WOMAN: (smirking) Oh, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of them.

The men leave, and the woman stays behind, glaring at the three captives. Catherine, still recovering from the slap, exchanges a fearful glance with Mark and Ben.

MARK: (whispering) What do you think they’re planning?

BEN: (struggling to remain hopeful) I don’t know, but we need to find a way out of here.

Moments later, the basement door creaks open again, and the men return, dragging the unconscious bodies of Ella and Tanya. They drop them next to Mark and Ben.

CATHERINE: (horrified) Ella! Tanya!

The woman steps forward, her smile widening as she looks at the new captives.

WOMAN: (mockingly) Looks like we have more guests. The more, the merrier.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (grinning) They’ll wake up soon enough. And when they do, the real fun begins.

Mark and Ben, seeing their friends in such a state, feel a renewed surge of determination to protect them.

MARK: (defiantly) You won’t get away with this. Someone will find us.

WOMAN: (laughing) You keep thinking that. It makes this all the more entertaining.

BEN: (to Catherine) We need to stay strong. For all of us.

CATHERINE: (nodding) We will. We’ll find a way out of this.

The captors continue to laugh and mock their prisoners, oblivious to the growing determination in the eyes of their captives.

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