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The basement is in chaos. Riguel, his face marked by anguish and desperation, watches as his older brother Alejandro struggles for breath. Despite the chaos, Riguel remains in shock and disbelief.

RIGUEL: (tears streaming) Alejandro... I... I’m so sorry.

As Alejandro’s struggles grow weaker, Natalie, consumed by grief and anger over Alejandro’s impending death, turns her rage towards Kaye. She grabs a knife and approaches Kaye, who is lying on the ground.

NATALIE: (sobbing and angry) You took everything from me! You have to pay!

Without hesitation, Natalie stabs Kaye repeatedly. Kaye’s cries of pain echo through the basement as she struggles in Riguel’s arms.

KAYE: (weakly) H-hon... Riguel... help...

RIGUEL: (sobbing) No, Kaye! Please, stay with me!

Kaye’s breathing slows, and Riguel holds her close, tears streaming down his face.

RIGUEL: (crying) Kaye, please... don’t go. I’m so sorry...

As Kaye’s life fades away, Riguel’s rage and despair reach a boiling point. His heart is filled with a fury that consumes him.

RIGUEL: (yelling) Our plan doesn't include you killing Kaye, Natalie! Now, none of us will survive!

In his rage, Riguel pulls a lighter from his pocket. He flicks it on and throws it into the pool of gasoline that has been spreading through the basement.

RIGUEL: (screaming) Burn! Burn all of us!

The lighter ignites, and the gasoline catches fire. The basement erupts into flames, the fire quickly spreading. Screams and cries fill the air as the fire consumes everything in its path.

CATHERINE: (terrified) The fire! We need to get out!

But the flames are too intense, and the heat makes it impossible to escape. The captives are trapped, their screams and cries becoming more desperate as the fire engulfs the basement.

MARK: (screaming) Help! Somebody, please!

The fire roars, and the basement becomes a furnace of flames. Riguel stands amidst the chaos, his face a mask of grief and fury as the inferno consumes everyone.

RIGUEL: (yelling over the fire) This is the end!

The flames roar louder, drowning out the cries and shouts. The basement is reduced to a burning ruin, the fire finally claiming its grim toll.

The fire eventually dies down, leaving behind a charred and devastated basement. The screams and cries are gone, replaced by the crackling of dying embers. The farmhouse, once a place of laughter and friendship, is now a scene of tragic destruction.

— End.

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