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It's 1 AM. A mysterious man, weary from the day's events, heads upstairs to get some rest. The woman who had previously tended to Kaye also goes upstairs, leaving the basement relatively quiet. The only person remaining in the basement is the man.


The man, exhausted, slumps into a chair. He attempts to rest, but the noise and chaos of the captives make it difficult. Mark, Ben, Catherine, Ella, Tanya, and Lucas are still bound and anxious.

MARK: (whispering to Ben) We need to do something. The man is sleeping. Maybe this is our chance.

Ben nods and scans the room. He notices a small stone on the ground that had fallen from an earlier commotion. He picks it up, carefully aiming it at the mysterious man.

BEN: (whispering) I’m going to throw it at him. Maybe it’ll wake him up so we can make a move.

Ben throws the stone, hitting the mysterious man on the arm. The man jerks awake, his face contorted with anger. He quickly stands up, glaring at the captives.

ANOTHER MAN: (furious) Who dared to throw that? You think this is a game?

The man spots Ben, who is trying to hide his hand. The mysterious man storms over, grabs Ben’s hand roughly, and twists it painfully.

BEN: (yelling in pain) Ah! Let go! Please!

MAN: (angrily) You think you can defy me and get away with it?

The man continues to twist Ben's hand, causing him to scream in agony. The other captives watch in horror, unable to intervene.

CATHERINE: (sobbing) Stop! Please, stop hurting him!

The man, satisfied with his punishment, finally releases Ben's hand, which is now bruised and swelling. Ben collapses in pain, clutching his injured hand.

MAN: (mockingly) This is a lesson. Don’t think you can outsmart us. Now, be quiet.

The man returns to his chair, watching the captives with a stern gaze. The atmosphere in the basement is heavy with fear and discomfort as the captives struggle to cope with the increasing threats.

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