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The friends are gathered around the dining table, weary and desperate. Alejandro enters, carrying trays of food.

ALEJANDRO: (smiling) You all look exhausted. Come, eat something before you make another plan.

JAMES: (reluctantly) Thanks, Alejandro. We need all the strength we can get.

They start eating, but the tension in the room is palpable. Lucas notices Natalie fidgeting and looking anxious. After a while, One of their female friends gets up and leaves the house.

LUCAS: (muttering to himself) Where’s she going?

Lucas quietly follows her, who heads towards the basement. He follows her down the stairs, careful not to make a sound. When he reaches the bottom, he peers into the basement and is shocked by what he sees.


Mark, Ben, Catherine, Ella, and Tanya are tied up and bruised. The sight horrifies Lucas, and he whispers to himself.

LUCAS: (whispering) Oh my God… they’re here.

Lucas turns to leave and alert the others, but a sudden blow to his back sends him crashing to the ground. He looks up to see the mysterious man standing over him, fist clenched.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (smirking) You really thought you could sneak around unnoticed?

The woman steps out of the shadows, her expression cold and unforgiving.

WOMAN: (sneering) You’re a fool, Lucas. We had everything under control until you started snooping.

LUCAS: (weakly) Why are you doing this?

WOMAN: (scoffing) Because you and our friends deserve this. Now you’ll join them.

The mysterious man and the woman drag Lucas deeper into the basement, binding him beside Mark, Ben, Catherine, Ella, and Tanya. Lucas struggles, but he’s too weak to resist.

CATHERINE: (weakly) Lucas…?

LUCAS: (sighing) I’m sorry. I tried to get help.

ELLA: (tears streaming down her face) We’re going to get out of here. We have to.

The mysterious man and the woman exchange amused glances before leaving the basement, locking the door behind them.

TANYA: (whispering) We need to come up with a plan. We can’t let them win.

LUCAS: (determined) We’ll find a way. Together.

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