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After hours of searching, the friends are exhausted and frustrated. They’re drenched in sweat and covered in dirt. Alejandro arrives, looking concerned.

ALEJANDRO: (noticing their state) Hey, you all look wiped out. What’s going on? Why are you all so sweaty?

TANYA: (frustrated) We’ve been searching for Mark all day. He’s been missing since last night, and we can’t find him anywhere.

ALEJANDRO: (surprised) Mark’s missing? Why didn’t you call the police?

JAMES: (exasperated) We thought about it, but the nearest police station is far from here, and we’re too far out in the province.

ALEJANDRO: (sighs) Yes, I'm sorry. This farm is really far from the city so it is difficult to find help. I don't even know why Riguel chose this place.

BEN: (panicking) We’ve looked everywhere—around the farm, in the barn, and even in the woods. Nothing.

ALEJANDRO: (sympathetically) Okay, let’s not give up. I’ll help you look. Maybe there’s something we missed.

The friends agree, and Alejandro joins the search. They continue scouring the area, their anxiety mounting as the sun begins to set.


As they search the wooded area, the shadows grow longer, and the atmosphere becomes more ominous. The group is visibly tired and on edge.

NATALIE: (looking around) It’s getting darker. We need to find him before it gets too late.

MATT: (frustrated) We’ve searched every possible place. It’s like he’s vanished into thin air.

ELLA: (frightened) What if something happened to him? What if... what if we’re not alone?

Suddenly, there’s a rustling noise in the bushes, and the group freezes, their eyes wide with fear.

TANYA: (tensely) Did you hear that?

JAMES: (whispering) Yeah. It sounded like it came from over there.

They move cautiously toward the noise, their flashlights cutting through the gloom.


As they return to the farmhouse to regroup, they notice something alarming—another friend, BEN, is missing.

CATHERINE: (panicking) Where’s Ben? He was just here a minute ago!

LUCAS: (surprised) What do you mean he’s missing? We need to find him now!

RIGUEL: (urgently) We need to stay calm. Let’s search the farmhouse and surrounding areas. He might be nearby.

The friends split up, searching the farmhouse and surrounding grounds for Ben. The sense of dread deepens as the darkness falls.


As they search, they discover the basement door slightly ajar. The same basement where Mark was tied up.

LUCAS: (noticing the door) Hey, the basement door is open. We didn’t leave it like this, did we?

NATALIE: (frightened) No, we didn’t. Let’s check it out.

They cautiously descend into the basement, their flashlights revealing the same dusty, musty interior. The sight of the ropes and old equipment makes their blood run cold.

ELLA: (shivering) This place... it’s giving me the creeps.

CATHERINE: (looking around) There’s no sign of Ben or Mark. This doesn’t make any sense.

MATT: (resolute) We have to keep searching. If Ben’s gone too, there has to be a clue somewhere.

As they continue their search, they hear a distant, eerie sound—like a low moan or whisper—coming from deep within the barn.

JAMES: (trembling) Did anyone else hear that? It sounded like it came from the barn.

TANYA: (determined) We need to check it out. If someone’s trying to communicate, we need to find out what it is.

They head back to the barn, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. The ominous feeling in the air thickens as they approach.

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