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As the rain pours down, the friends continue their desperate search. Catherine wanders slightly away from the others, her eyes scanning the area intently.

CATHERINE: (calling out) Mark! Ben! Where are you?

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands grabs her from behind. A handkerchief is pressed over her mouth, and she struggles briefly before losing consciousness.


Catherine wakes up groggily in the dim light of the basement. She blinks, trying to focus, and realizes she is lying next to Mark and Ben, who are both unconscious and severely injured. Panic and confusion flood her senses.

CATHERINE: (whispering urgently) Mark? Ben? Wake up!

She gently shakes them, her heart pounding. Before they can respond, the basement door creaks open, and the mysterious man steps in. Catherine gasps in recognition.

CATHERINE: (shocked) Who are you? How could you do this to us?

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (coldly) You weren’t supposed to find out, but I guess it’s too late now.

With a surge of adrenaline, Catherine leaps to her feet and charges at the man, her fists flying in a desperate attempt to fight him off.

CATHERINE: (screaming) You monster!

The man deflects her blows, grabbing her arms and pushing her back against the wall. She struggles fiercely, refusing to give up.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (smirking) It’s for a greater purpose, Catherine. You’ll understand soon enough.

As they grapple, Catherine's determination only grows. She kicks at his legs, trying to free herself.

CATHERINE: (fiercely) I’ll never understand. You’re sick!

The man laughs darkly, tightening his grip. Just as Catherine feels herself weakening, she spots a heavy object on a nearby table. With a burst of strength, she reaches for it and swings it at the man’s head.

CATHERINE: (grunting) Take this!

The object connects with a sickening thud, and the man stumbles back, momentarily dazed. Catherine seizes the opportunity to rush to Mark and Ben, trying to rouse them.

CATHERINE: (urgently) Come on, guys. We need to get out of here, now!

Mark and Ben begin to stir, their eyes fluttering open. The mysterious man shakes off the blow and glares at Catherine, his expression darkening.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (menacingly) You’ll regret that, Catherine. This isn’t over.

Catherine, fueled by a mix of fear and determination, helps Mark and Ben to their feet, ready to make a run for it as the tension in the basement reaches a boiling point.

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