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The mysterious man quietly enters Kaye's room and sees her still peacefully asleep. He sits down gently next to her, his expression soft and caring.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (whispering) Kaye, I won't let anyone hurt you. I care about you too much for that.

He leans in and places a tender kiss on Kaye’s forehead. As he stands up to leave, he looks back one last time, his face filled with a mixture of affection and regret.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (softly) Rest well, my love.

The man leaves the room and heads downstairs to the basement.


The mysterious man arrives at the basement, where the another man is still keeping watch. The captives are huddled together, their faces marked with fear and confusion. The mysterious man is in a corner, his attention diverted from the captives.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (firmly) How are our friends? Why is Ben's hand injured?

MAN: (looking up) The injuries were necessary to keep them in line. They need to learn not to defy us.

MAN: (determined) Enough of this. Remove your mask. It’s time they see who’s behind this.

The mysterious man hesitates but then slowly pulls off his mask. The captives gasp in shock as they recognize him.

CATHERINE: (surprised and angry) No way... It’s you?

Just then, the woman from earlier arrives, her face showing a mix of irritation and annoyance.

WOMAN: (angrily) What’s going on here? Why did you let them see your face?

MAN: (sighing) They needed to know. It’s time to face the truth.

WOMAN: (crossly) They’ll use this against us. You know how important secrecy is.

The mysterious man stands, revealing a confident yet menacing demeanor.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: (smirking) Let them know. It’s too late for them now. They’re trapped, and there’s nothing they can do.

The captives look at each other with a mixture of fear and determination, realizing they must find a way out despite the revelations. The man and the woman exchange glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

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