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❛ Death Upright
End of Cycle / Beginnings / Metamorphosis ❜

❛ Death UprightEnd of Cycle / Beginnings / Metamorphosis ❜Nora

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I'M NOT QUITE SURE WHAT POSSESSES me to want to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon, but the urge is persistent. I sit myself down on the couch, trying to distract myself from the need to go back to sleep when I'm not tired. Meanwhile, Taylor slings her duffel over her shoulder and waves me goodbye as she heads to her Pilates class.

With Taylor gone, the apartment feels strangely quiet. I pick up the remote and start flicking through the TV channels, hoping something will catch my interest. After cycling through countless shows and commercials, nothing seems to hold my attention. I let out a sigh and turn off the TV, tossing the remote aside.

Determined to stay awake, I grab a book from the coffee table and settle back onto the couch. The story quickly draws me in, and I find myself getting a quarter of the way through, thoroughly enjoying the narrative. However, despite my efforts to stay engaged, my eyelids grow heavy, and sleep begins to consume me.

As I drift off, I find myself dreaming about the girl again. This time, she's dressed differently, wearing a sleek black dress with a single red rose in her hand. Her hauntingly beautiful face is illuminated by a soft, ethereal glow. She stands beneath a streetlamp, the light casting long shadows around her, creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

"Nora," she chants softly, her voice echoing in the dream's stillness. "Nora, look at me."

I follow her down the empty streets, unable to resist the pull she has on me. She moves gracefully, almost floating, her dress swaying with each step. The eeriness of the scene doesn't bother her, and I find myself mesmerised by her presence.

"Who are you?" I call out, my voice trembling.

She doesn't answer, just continues to chant my name. "Nora. Nora."

"Can you hear me?" I try again, feeling a sense of desperation.

"I can hear you, Nora," she replies, her voice like a soothing melody. "Follow me."

I follow her through the darkened streets, the silence broken only by the soft click of her heels against the pavement. Eventually, we arrive at a familiar place—my house. The sight of it jolts me, and I stop in my tracks.

"How do you know my name? And why are we here?" I ask, my heart pounding.

She turns to face me, her eyes filled with an enigmatic mix of sorrow and understanding. "Where have you been?" she asks, her voice gentle yet probing.

Before I can respond, I wake up with a start, my heart racing. The room is quiet except for the faint hum of the refrigerator. I sit up on the couch, disoriented, my mind replaying the details of the dream. The girl's haunting presence lingers in my thoughts, and I can still hear her voice calling my name.

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