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The days turned into weeks, and the atmosphere in the house shifted subtly but unmistakably. Nora and Camden, once inseparable and always in tune with each other's emotions, now felt like two strangers living under the same roof. The tension between them was palpable, a silent but constant presence that neither of them could ignore.

In the mornings, they still woke up next to each other, but the warmth and intimacy of their shared moments had faded. Nora often lay awake, staring at the ceiling, her mind consumed by the recurring nightmares and the guilt that gnawed at her heart. Camden, sensing her distress, would reach out to hold her, but Nora would gently pull away, slipping out of bed and heading to the bathroom, leaving Camden feeling rejected and helpless.

Breakfasts were a quiet affair. They sat across from each other at the kitchen table, the clinking of utensils and the hum of the refrigerator the only sounds breaking the silence. Camden would steal glances at Nora, hoping to catch her eye, to share a smile, but Nora's gaze was always distant, lost in her thoughts. The once lively conversations and laughter that filled the room were now replaced by a heavy silence that weighed on both of them.

Evenings were no different. They would sit together on the couch, watching TV or reading, but the physical closeness felt like a mere formality. Camden would lean against Nora, trying to bridge the gap between them, but Nora's body remained stiff and unresponsive. The tension was like an invisible wall between them, making every attempt at connection feel strained and awkward.

They still ate dinner together, joined by Blake and Camden's parents, but even in the warmth of the family setting, the distance between them was evident. Camden's family noticed the change, casting concerned glances at the couple, but they respected their privacy, hoping they would work things out on their own. Blake, ever the observant sister, tried to lighten the mood with her teasing and jokes, but even her efforts couldn't dispel the growing tension.

At night, they lay in bed, the space between them feeling like an insurmountable chasm. Camden would often lie awake, staring at the back of Nora's head, wishing she could find the right words to reach her. She longed to hold her, to reassure her that everything would be okay, but the fear of being pushed away kept her at bay. Nora, on the other hand, felt trapped in her own mind, the nightmares and guilt creating a barrier that made it impossible to let Camden in. She wanted to reach out, to feel Camden's comforting presence, but the fear of dragging her into her own darkness held her back.

Days turned into weeks, and the strain took its toll on both of them. Camden threw herself into her schoolwork and hobbies, trying to distract herself from the growing emptiness she felt. She spent hours in her room, sketching or writing, anything to keep her mind occupied. Nora, meanwhile, found solace in cleaning and organising, her need for control manifesting in meticulous tasks that kept her hands busy and her mind focused.

They were both trying to cope in their own ways, but the lack of communication only deepened the rift between them. Camden knew she shouldn't push Nora to talk about her nightmares, but the silence was killing her. She missed the closeness they once shared, the late-night talks, the shared dreams and plans for the future. She wanted to be there for Nora, to help her through her pain, but it felt like every attempt she made only pushed her further away.

Nora, too, was struggling. She hated seeing the hurt in Camden's eyes, the way she seemed to be slowly drifting away. She wanted to let her in, to share her pain and fears, but the guilt and shame were too overwhelming. The nightmares had become a nightly torment, each one a sick twist of what happened that night, and they left her feeling even more broken and unworthy of Camden's love.

Despite the growing distance, they still shared moments of tenderness, fleeting glimpses of the love they once had. Camden would leave little notes for Nora, words of encouragement and love hidden in her book or under her pillow. Nora, in turn, would make Camden's favourite tea or leave a warm blanket for her on the couch. These small gestures were their way of holding on, of trying to keep the connection alive, but they both knew it wasn't enough.

The tension and unspoken words hung heavy in the air, creating a sense of suffocation that neither of them could escape. They were both reaching out, but the gap between them seemed to widen with each passing day. Camden felt like she was losing Nora, slipping through her fingers no matter how hard she tried to hold on. Nora felt like she was drowning, unable to break free from the guilt and fear that consumed her.

In their hearts, they both longed for the same thing—to reconnect, to find their way back to each other. But the path was shrouded in uncertainty and pain, and neither of them knew how to take the first step. The love they shared was still there, buried beneath the layers of hurt and fear, but it felt unreachable, like a distant memory of a time when everything was simple and pure.

They were under one roof, sharing the same space, but it felt like they were in different worlds, each struggling with their own demons. The nights were the hardest, the silence a constant reminder of the growing distance between them. They both lay awake, lost in their thoughts, wishing for the courage to bridge the gap and find their way back to each other.

It was a painful and confusing time for both of them, but deep down, they knew they had to fight for their love. They had come too far to let it all slip away. The journey ahead was uncertain and filled with challenges, but they were determined to find their way back to each other, to heal the wounds and rebuild the bond that had once been their strength.

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