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❛ Angel Number 1616

❛ Angel Number 1616 ❜Nora

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I spent most of my morning lost in a whirlwind of creativity, diving into different art mediums with the tools from my pencil case and the materials Taylor had stashed away in the study room. "What's mine is yours," she always said, and while I should probably take more advantage of the endless food in the kitchen, for now, immersing myself in art was paramount for my happiness and peace of mind.

"Good morning!" Taylor's voice sang out cheerfully as she descended the staircase, her oversized shirt and boxer shorts a testament to her relaxed morning routine. "I knew I heard you drawing last night."

She strolled into the kitchen, her presence lighting up the room, and took a seat beside me on the stool, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. "Was I loud? I'm sorry. I thought I was being discreet," I said, glancing up at her.

"Nonsense," Taylor replied, taking a bite of her apple. "I'm glad you're able to do what you like whenever you want. Don't let my beauty sleep stop you."

The corners of my lips turned upward in a smile. "You really don't mind?"

She shook her head. "Not one bit. Besides, I saw what you drew when I woke up this morning. It's beautiful. Though I think I know enough to know it's not a self-portrait."

I chuckled lightly. "It's the girl."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Whoa. She's gorgeous."

"I know. Makes her more compelling, I reckon."

Taylor leaned in closer to get a better look at the sketch on the table. "You've really captured something in her eyes, you know? There's a depth, a mystery. It's like she's almost alive."

"Thanks," I murmured, my fingers tracing the lines of the drawing. "She feels so real to me, like she's someone I've known all my life. But it's just a dream. I can't even begin to understand why she keeps appearing."

Taylor took another bite of her apple, contemplating. "Maybe it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. Or, again, maybe she's a representation of something you're missing, something you need to find."

I sighed, the weight of her words settling over me. "Maybe. All I know is that every time I dream of her, I feel like I'm getting closer to some kind of truth. It's frustrating, though, not being able to fully grasp it."

Taylor reached out and squeezed my shoulder. "You'll figure it out, Nora. You always do. And in the meantime, just keep drawing. Let it guide you."

I nodded, feeling a small spark of hope reignite within me. "Thanks, Tay. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd survive," she said with a grin, "but you'd be a lot less fun."

We both laughed, the sound filling the kitchen and easing some of the tension that had been building inside me. Taylor had a way of making everything seem more manageable, more bearable. And with her by my side, I felt like I could face anything—even the mysteries that haunted my dreams.

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