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I walked through the park, the early morning sun casting long shadows on the path. The air was filled with laughter and barks, with young families and dog owners enjoying the morning, some jogging, others just strolling.  My eyes scanned the faces around me, searching for Camden. I realised I didn't actually know what she looked like, aside from the images from my dreams. But how could I be sure those dreams resembled reality?

As I continued walking, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Would I even recognise her? What if she didn't show up? I tried to steady my breathing, focusing on the present moment.

Then, as if drawn by an invisible force, my gaze landed on a girl sitting alone on a bench. Her hair framed her face perfectly, just like in my dreams. Her face wore such intricate details. I knew instantly it was Camden.

Without a doubt.

I hurried over, my footsteps quickening as I neared the bench. When I stopped in front of her, Camden looked up, her hands resting on her lap. Our eyes met, and in that instant, my heart leaped and shattered all at once.

This was the girl from my dreams. The girl who haunted my nights and now stood before me in the flesh. The weight of our shared, mysterious connection hung in the air, heavy and palpable.

"Camden?" I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

She nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and wariness. "Nora?"

I nodded in return, taking a deep breath. "Yes, it's me."

For a moment, we just stared at each other, the park bustling around us, but it felt like we were in a world of our own. I could see the same questions, the same need for answers, in her eyes. And I knew this was the beginning of unraveling the mystery that had brought us together.

Camden looked up at me, her eyes warm yet filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "Thanks for agreeing to meet earlier," she said, gesturing to the empty spot on the bench beside her.

I hesitated for a moment, simply because I was so stunned by how beautiful Camden was. I knew it from my dreams, but seeing her in real life left me breathless. "It's no problem," I finally managed to say, sitting down next to her.

For a moment, we sat in silence, the sounds of the park bustling around us. Camden cleared her throat, breaking the quiet. "So, where should we start?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the story I was about to tell. "A year ago, my dad had been drinking. I was walking home from school when he pulled up in the middle of the road, yelling at me to get in. He was complaining about what I was wearing, saying I probably wanted attention. I realised, shortly after living alone with him that it's always better not to argue with him when he's drunk, so even though it was dangerous, I got in the car."

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