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As Taylor and I loaded the laundry into the washing machine, I tried to shake off the weight of the past few months. My search for information about Camden and the accident had yielded nothing new, and the absence of the girl in my dreams left a void I couldn't quite fill. Taylor, ever observant, was the first to break the silence.

"So, how's the search going?" she asked, her tone light but concerned. She adjusted the pile of clothes in the machine and glanced over at me.

I sighed, feeling the familiar frustration rise. "It's been pretty dead, honestly. I've been to the police station, called every news outlet I could think of, and I even tried to dig through old records. Everyone keeps telling me the case is closed and they can't help. It's like I'm running in circles."

Taylor nodded sympathetically. "That sounds really tough. But you've been working so hard. Maybe it's time for a break, or at least a change of scenery."

I considered her words, but the reality was I still had unfinished business. "I think I need to grab some things from my room at home. It's been months since I left, and even though my father hasn't come looking for me, it feels like I need to go back for a bit."

Taylor's expression softened. "I can come with you if you want. It might be less stressful with someone else there."

Relief washed over me. "I'd really appreciate that. Thanks, Taylor."

We set out in her car, the drive giving me time to reflect on how much had changed. As we navigated through familiar streets, my mind wandered, and that's when I saw them—an unfamiliar yet familiar figure standing by the sidewalk. The sight was fleeting, but something about it struck a chord.

"Taylor, do you see that?" I pointed toward the person walking along the road, their features partially obscured by the distance. "I think I know them from somewhere."

Taylor squinted and glanced in the direction I indicated. "I don't see anything too clear from here. Who do you think it is?"

"It's hard to say," I replied, squinting to get a better look. "But I think it might be one of the Soriano girls. Remember the drawing I showed you? The one with the family and three kids?"

Taylor's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, right! You mean Blake Soriano? She's the one who wasn't involved in the accident, right?"

I nodded, trying to piece together the connection. "Yeah, that's the one. I remember seeing her in the article about the accident. It has to be her. I just can't shake the feeling that I've seen her somewhere before."

Taylor focused on the road, her expression thoughtful. "Well, it's worth checking out. If we're heading to your old place anyway, maybe we'll find out more."

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