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❛ Three of Swords Upright
Heartbreak / Suffering / Grief ❜

❛ Three of Swords UprightHeartbreak / Suffering / Grief ❜Camden

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An unnerving feeling surged through my veins as I pulled my legs up against my chest, the world around me closing in. My throat dried up, and a loud, piercing ring echoed in my ears. Blake knelt before me, her touch warm but unable to calm the storm brewing inside me.

"We didn't know what to do," my sister said softly, her worry evident. Her normally confident and outgoing demeanor was replaced by a version of herself I hadn't seen since my accident. "It all happened way too soon, and you were so," she shook her head, "so devastated. You were in that hospital for three weeks and hardly ate anything. We thought we'd lose you too, Cam."

I couldn't speak. The shock had paralysed my body. Blake continued, her voice trembling. "When we thought about telling you after we brought you home from the hospital, we asked you what you remembered because you refused to talk to the doctors. You said you didn't remember. For a while, we thought you just didn't want to talk about it, about Keira. But then we brought you in for another check-up and," Blake sighed, her strength faltering. "The doctor told us you had dissociative amnesia."

Blake stood up and sat back down on her chair, reaching for my hands. "You didn't know what happened to Keira. You even thought it was you who was in the accident."

Flashes of that night played in my mind. The blood on my skin, the bruises and marks, the throbbing pain in my head.

"For weeks, you kept telling us to check on Keira at the hospital because she hadn't come home. We kept trying to tell you she wasn't going to come back to us, so we...we just gave up. A few weeks later, you found pamphlets in Keira's room about football programs abroad. You asked if Keira had left, if we'd been hiding her whereabouts. We thought we could speed up your healing process if you thought she was okay..."

I swallowed hard, the taste of bitterness coating my tongue. "How is that even morally okay? You just thought it'd be best to rewrite history and make up some fake narrative I'd believe? All because I have no recollection of what really happened. I trusted you, I put my faith in you, in Mum and Dad. I confided in all of you, and all this time..." A hollow feeling grew within me. "You made me believe my little sister had recovered, phenomenally I might add, and went away to pursue her dreams, that she'd be back in a heartbeat. I knew it was off that she never called or texted, but I believed she was too busy for that..."

Blake began sobbing, her grasp on me tightening with each passing moment. "Camden, I'm so, so sorry."

"I thought it was me. This whole entire time, I thought it was me. And you're telling me, you're telling me a year later that my little sister is gone?"

The weight of the revelation crushed me. I felt as if the ground beneath me had disappeared, leaving me to fall into an endless abyss of despair. Memories of Keira's laughter, her dreams, and her presence washed over me like a tidal wave, overwhelming my senses.

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