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I sprawled across my bed, the melody of Taylor Swift's "Welcome to New York" filling the room from my 1989 vinyl. I released a contented sigh, letting the music wash over me as I closed my eyes, savouring the moment. The past few days had been a whirlwind, and this was the first chance I had to truly relax.

As the song played, I felt myself drifting into a state of calm, my mind wandering over the events of the previous day. Just as I was getting lost in the music, the door creaked open, and I heard Blake's voice cut through the chorus.

"How was your date?" she asked, making me jolt upright in surprise.

"It wasn't a date!" I protested, feeling a flush creep up my cheeks.

Blake smirked, leaning against the doorframe with a knowing look. "Sure, whatever you say, Camden. But you were gone for hours, and you came back looking pretty happy."

I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool. "We just talked, Blake. It was... nice to get to know her better. That's all."

Blake walked further into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "So, what's she like?"

I sighed, propping myself up on my elbows. "She's... interesting. There's this connection between us, like we've known each other forever, even though we just met. It's strange but also kind of comforting."

Blake nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds like you're figuring things out together. That's good, right?"

I smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, it is. I think we both have a lot to learn from each other."

Blake reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. "I'm glad, Camden. You deserve some answers, and maybe she'll help you find them."

As Blake stood up to leave, I settled back down on the bed, letting the music carry me away again. I knew there was still a long way to go, but for now, I was grateful for the progress we had made. And maybe, just maybe, things were starting to fall into place.

As the next song began to play, I positioned myself back into place, letting the familiar melody wash over me as I closed my eyes once more. The soothing rhythm of the vinyl seemed to flow through my veins, calming me down from the whirlwind of emotions. Yet, despite my best efforts to relax, my mind couldn't help but replay the events of the day.

I remembered how our shoulders brushed against each other as we walked, the subtle electricity of the contact lingering long after. Her laugh was a symphony that played on repeat in my mind, its melody infectious and heartwarming. I could see her face light up with passion when she talked about the things she loved, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. It was like watching a movie, every moment perfectly captured and replayed in vivid detail.

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