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Camden and Nora's relationship had been strained, each day pulling them further apart despite the closeness of their physical proximity. Under one roof, they shared meals and a bed, yet it felt as if they were miles away from each other. Their once vibrant connection had dimmed, replaced by an invisible wall of silence and unspoken fears.

One evening, the weight of their distance became unbearable. Camden could no longer ignore the ache in her chest, the longing to reach out and hold Nora as she once did. Sitting on the edge of their bed, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for a conversation she knew they both needed.

"Nora," Camden began softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "We need to talk."

Nora looked up, her eyes tired and red-rimmed from sleepless nights. She nodded, knowing deep down that this moment had been inevitable. They both sat on the bed, a palpable tension filling the room as Camden took Nora's hand in hers.

"I miss you," Camden confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know you're struggling with the nightmares, and I don't want to push you, but I feel like we're losing each other."

Nora's eyes filled with tears, the dam of her emotions breaking. "I miss you too," she said, her voice cracking. "I don't know how to deal with all of this. The nightmares, the guilt... It's tearing me apart."

Camden squeezed Nora's hand gently. "We need help, Nora. Professional help. We can't do this alone."

Nora nodded, the relief of acknowledging her need for help washing over her. "You're right. I don't want to lose us. I'll do whatever it takes."

Camden's eyes softened with a mix of gratitude and hope. She leaned in, her forehead resting gently against Nora's. "We're going to get through this," she whispered, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "Together."

Nora took a deep, shaky breath, feeling the weight of her unspoken fears begin to lift. The decision to seek help was daunting, but the thought of losing Camden was far worse. She squeezed Camden's hand, finding strength in their connection.

The next morning, they woke up early, the sunlight filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow in the room. Camden had already started researching therapists, her laptop open on the kitchen table. Nora joined her, pouring them both a cup of coffee.

"Look at this one," Camden said, turning the screen towards Nora. "She specialises in trauma and has really good reviews."

Nora scanned the profile, nodding. "She seems like a good fit. Let's call and see if we can get an appointment."

Camden dialed the number, her fingers trembling slightly as she spoke with the receptionist. They managed to secure an appointment for later that week, a small victory that brought a sense of relief to them both.

In the days leading up to the appointment, they made a conscious effort to reconnect. They spent evenings cooking dinner together, the simple act of preparing a meal side by side bringing a sense of normalcy back into their lives. They talked more openly, sharing their thoughts and fears, rebuilding the trust that had been strained by the nightmares and guilt.

The day of the appointment arrived, and as they sat in the waiting room, Camden reached over and took Nora's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We're in this together," she reminded her.

Nora nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. The therapist, Dr. Morales, called them in, her kind eyes and warm smile immediately putting them at ease. They settled into the comfortable chairs, the room filled with soft, calming colors.

Dr. Morales began by asking them to share their story. Nora hesitated at first, but with Camden's supportive presence by her side, she found the courage to open up. She spoke about the car crash, the guilt that had haunted her, and the nightmares that had driven a wedge between her and Camden.

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