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I woke up with Nora beside me, the kiss from the night before still vivid in my mind. Her warmth enveloped me, making me smile. It felt surreal to wake up with her in my arms, her presence like a soothing balm to my restless heart.

We got ready for the day, and as we made our way downstairs, I could sense the curiosity in the air. My family was already gathered in the kitchen, their eyes widening with surprise at the sight of Nora.

"Morning," Blake greeted with a teasing grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, who's this unexpected guest?"

I rolled my eyes at her, trying to suppress a smile. "This is Nora. She... stayed over last night."

Blake's grin widened. "Stayed over, huh? I see how it is."

Nora blushed, and I couldn't help but notice how the atmosphere felt warm and welcoming. My family's curiosity was gentle, their smiles genuine. It was a far cry from the tension and fear that often plagued my thoughts.

My parents were equally intrigued, exchanging knowing glances as they welcomed Nora. "It's nice to meet you, Nora," Mum said, her voice kind. "Any friend of Camden's is always welcome here."

As we all sat down for breakfast, Blake's teasing continued, but it was light-hearted, making Nora laugh despite her initial shyness. The warmth of the family's acceptance was palpable, and I could see Nora starting to relax, her guard slowly lowering.

However, as the meal went on, I noticed a change in Nora's demeanor. She grew quieter, her eyes darting around the room, her smile fading. Concerned, I gently touched her arm. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded, but her eyes were troubled. "Yeah, I just... I need a moment."

I led her to the living room, away from the bustling kitchen. "What's wrong?" I asked softly, sitting down beside her.

Nora took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. "Your family is great, Camden. They're warm and welcoming. But... I can't help but think about what my father did to Keira. They have no idea, and if they knew, they'd hate me."

My heart ached at her words. I took her hands in mine, squeezing gently. "Nora, they wouldn't hate you. You didn't do anything wrong."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "But it feels like I did. Being here, seeing how much they love you and Keira... it just brings it all back. The guilt, the nightmares."

I pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly. "You're not to blame for what happened. My family is understanding. They'd see that you're a good person, just like I do."

She buried her face in my shoulder, her body trembling. "I just... I don't want to cause any more pain."

"You're not," I whispered, stroking her hair. "You're bringing healing. For both of us."

We stayed like that for a while, the weight of her fears slowly lifting as I held her close. In that moment, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, with honesty and understanding.

Nora sobbed quietly against the crook of my neck, her tears dampening my skin. I held her tightly, my heart aching for the pain she carried. Gently, I took her face in my hands, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, letting my lips linger there for a moment.

"We'll figure this all out together, okay?" I whispered, my voice steady and reassuring. "Don't worry about what they think. We haven't gotten there yet. For now, let's just enjoy the moment, the meal, and when it happens, we'll face it together."

Nora nodded, her eyes still shimmering with tears but a faint smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, Camden," she murmured. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I pulled her into another hug, feeling the tension slowly leave her body. "You're not alone, Nora. We're in this together."

After a few moments, we stood up and headed back to the kitchen. The lively chatter and clinking of cutlery greeted us, a stark contrast to the quiet tension that had filled the living room. Blake looked up from her breakfast, her eyes twinkling with curiosity but softened with understanding.

As we sat down, my mum placed a plate of pancakes in front of Nora, her smile warm and inviting. "I hope you like pancakes," she said kindly.

Nora managed a small but genuine smile. "I love them, thank you."

We settled into our seats, the aroma of fresh coffee and syrup filling the air. As we began eating, I kept stealing glances at Nora, relieved to see her relaxing bit by bit. My family's easygoing nature seemed to be working its magic, easing the weight on her shoulders.

Blake, of course, couldn't resist a little more teasing. "So, Nora, any chance you're planning to stick around more often? Camden could use some company that isn't me."

Nora laughed softly, the sound like music to my ears. "I wouldn't mind that," she replied, her eyes meeting mine.

Dad chimed in, his voice gentle. "You're always welcome here, Nora. Our door is open."

The warmth in the room was palpable, and I could see Nora starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, she could find a place here too. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, but this time, they were tears of gratitude.

As breakfast continued, we talked about everything and nothing, the easy banter flowing naturally. Nora began to share more about herself, her interests, and her dreams. My parents listened intently, genuinely interested in getting to know the girl who had so quickly become a part of my life.

However, I noticed that as the conversation shifted towards more personal topics, Nora began to grow quiet again, her gaze flickering towards me nervously. I reached out under the table, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked at me, and I could see the gratitude in her eyes.

After breakfast, we helped clear the table, and I took the opportunity to lead Nora back to the living room. I could sense her unease returning, and I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Hey," I said softly, once we were alone again. "You did great. They really like you."

Nora smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "It's just... hard. Knowing what happened, and being here with your family. They don't know, and I'm scared of how they'll react when they do."

I nodded, understanding her fear. "I know it's tough. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, let's just take it one step at a time."

She took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay. One step at a time."

We sat there for a while, just holding hands and letting the comfort of each other's presence wash over us. Eventually, I suggested we go for a walk to clear our minds. Nora agreed, and we headed out into the fresh air, the morning sun casting a warm glow over everything.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Despite the challenges ahead, I knew that together, we could face anything. And for now, that was enough.

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