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Nora sat on Camden's bed, absently tracing patterns on the bedspread while Camden studied at her desk. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, the kind that had become second nature to them over the past few months. Camden's presence had a way of grounding Nora, making her feel safe in a world that often seemed too chaotic. But even in this sanctuary, an underlying tension gnawed at the edges of her mind.

The familiar chime of her phone pulled Nora from her thoughts. She glanced at the screen and her heart skipped a beat. It was a message from her father.

> "I'm back in town. We need to talk."

Nora's fingers hovered over the screen, her mind racing. Her father had left months ago, supposedly to "fix himself," but she doubted he had changed. He had been out of her life for so long, leaving her to deal with the aftermath of his actions alone.

"Nora? You okay?" Camden's voice broke through her thoughts.

Nora looked up, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just... a message from my dad."

Camden's eyes softened with concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Nora sighed, putting her phone down. "He says he's back in town and wants to talk. I don't know if I believe him. He hasn't been home to fix himself; he's probably just saying that."

Camden walked over and sat next to her, taking her hand. "You don't have to see him if you're not ready. You have every right to feel how you feel."

Nora squeezed Camden's hand, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thanks, Cam. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Nora received another message from her father. This time, it was a picture of Taylor's house. Panic surged through her veins.

> "I went by the house, and you weren't there. Taylor's the only other place I know to find you."

Nora's breath hitched, and she stood abruptly. "He went to Taylor's. I have to go."

Camden stood with her, determination in her eyes. "I'll come with you."

They hurried to Taylor's house, their footsteps echoing in the quiet streets. When they arrived, Nora's father was already there, standing on the porch. Taylor opened the door, her expression wary as she glanced between them.

"Nora," her father started, his voice filled with false sincerity. "I've been trying to reach you."

Nora stepped forward, her voice trembling with controlled anger. "What do you want, Dad? You haven't been home to fix yourself, have you? You're just trying to worm your way back in."

He raised his hands defensively. "Nora, please. I know I've made mistakes, but I want to make things right."

Nora shook her head, tears of frustration brimming in her eyes. "You can't just waltz back into my life and expect everything to be okay. It doesn't work like that."

Camden stepped beside her, a steadying presence. "Nora, let's go inside."

Nora nodded, allowing Camden to lead her into Taylor's house. Taylor closed the door behind them, casting a protective glance at Nora's father before following them inside.

In the living room, Nora collapsed onto the couch, her emotions finally spilling over. "I can't believe he thinks he can just show up and everything will be fine."

Camden sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You don't have to deal with this alone, Nora. We're here for you."

Taylor nodded in agreement. "He's got a lot to prove if he wants to be in your life again. And until then, you have every right to protect yourself."

Nora took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She had a support system now, people who truly cared about her well-being. She didn't have to face her father's return alone.

"We'll figure this out together," Camden said softly. "One step at a time."

Nora leaned into Camden's embrace, feeling the weight of her fears and uncertainties begin to lift. With Camden and Taylor by her side, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Nora's father didn't argue or force his way inside. Instead, he stood there for a moment, studying Nora's face before reaching into his coat pocket. He pulled out a small, neatly wrapped package and placed it gently on the porch.

"I'll leave this here for you," he said, his voice softer than she remembered. "I hope it means something."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Nora staring at the package. Taylor opened the door, scooped up the gift, and handed it to Nora.

"Here," Taylor said softly. "He left this for you."

Nora took the package with trembling hands, her heart pounding in her chest. She carefully unwrapped it, revealing a pristine Hot Wheels car inside. Tears instantly welled in her eyes as she recognised the car—one she had desperately wanted growing up.

"It's the Camaro," Nora whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "We used to talk about cars all the time and collect Hot Wheels when I was younger. That's the part of him that I love and remember."

She traced the contours of the tiny car, memories flooding back. The hours spent with her father, bonding over their shared love for cars, came rushing back to her mind. It was a time when everything had been simpler, when he was still the dad who made her feel safe and loved.

Camden sat beside her, watching the emotions play out on Nora's face. "It's okay to feel whatever you're feeling right now," she said softly, her hand resting on Nora's back.

Nora nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I just... I don't understand why he couldn't stay that way. Why did he have to change?"

Taylor knelt beside them, her expression filled with empathy. "People change, Nora. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. But it doesn't erase the good memories you have."

Nora clutched the tiny car to her chest, her sobs quieting as she leaned into Camden's embrace. "I miss him," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "I miss the dad he used to be."

Camden tightened her hold, offering comfort. "Maybe this is his way of trying to reconnect, to show you that part of him is still there."

Nora sniffled, wiping her eyes. "But what if he hasn't changed? What if he just ends up hurting me again?"

Taylor reached out, gently taking Nora's hand. "Then you protect yourself. You set boundaries. You have us, and we'll be here to support you no matter what."

Nora looked at her friends, feeling a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to give him a chance, but another part of me is so scared."

Camden brushed a strand of hair from Nora's face. "Take it one step at a time. You don't have to decide anything right now. Just know that whatever you choose, we're here for you."

Nora nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion. She looked down at the Hot Wheels car, a symbol of a time when her father was her hero. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to rebuild some of what was lost.

For now, she would hold onto the memories and the support of her friends, taking each day as it came. With Camden and Taylor by her side, she felt stronger, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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