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I never left her room last night. In fact, I stayed. I was wrapped in her embrace through the dark of the night, feeling the steady rise and fall of her chest beneath my cheek. Her heartbeat was a soothing rhythm that kept the shadows at bay. As long as I could remember, I stayed there until the sun began to rise, casting a soft, golden light through the curtains, and the birds began to sing their morning calls.

The night felt like a dream, one that I never wanted to end. The memory of her kiss lingered on my lips, a mix of sweetness and tears, a promise and a solace. It was my first kiss, and it had been everything I'd never known I needed. Her lips had been soft and warm, her touch gentle yet filled with a desperate longing. In that moment, everything else faded away—our pasts, our pain, the world outside. It was just us, lost in each other, finding a piece of ourselves that we hadn't known was missing.

As the night wore on, I found myself drifting between sleep and wakefulness, each time finding Camden's arms still around me, holding me close. There was a sense of safety and comfort in her embrace, something I'd rarely felt before. The scent of her hair, a mix of shampoo and something uniquely her, filled my senses, grounding me in the present.

The early morning light painted the room in a soft glow, highlighting the delicate features of her face as she slept. I watched her for a while, memorising the way her lashes rested against her cheeks, the way her lips curved into a faint smile even in her sleep. It felt surreal, being here with her, sharing this intimate space after all we'd been through.

Lingering feelings from the night before washed over me—joy, relief, and a budding sense of hope. The kiss had awakened something within me, a desire to explore these newfound emotions and the connection we shared. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once, a whirlwind of sensations that left me both breathless and yearning for more.

As the birds continued their morning calls, I couldn't help but think about how much had changed in such a short time. Meeting Camden had turned my world upside down, and yet, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. The bond between us, forged in dreams and strengthened by reality, was something I couldn't easily explain. It just was, and that was enough for now.

Eventually, Camden began to stir, her arms tightening around me briefly before she opened her eyes. When she saw me, a sleepy smile spread across her face, and she whispered a soft "good morning."

"Good morning," I replied, my heart fluttering at the sight of her waking up beside me. It was a moment I wanted to hold on to, to treasure, as we navigated whatever came next.

We lay there for a while, basking in the quiet peace of the morning, before reluctantly untangling ourselves from each other. I knew we had to face the day, but a part of me wished we could stay in this cocoon of warmth and safety forever.

As we got up and began to prepare for the day ahead, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. The kiss, the night spent in each other's arms, it all felt like the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with possibilities and hope. And for the first time in a long while, I felt ready to embrace whatever came next, as long as Camden was by my side.

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