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I jolted awake from a nap on the couch, disoriented and groggy. The soft hum of the television was a comforting backdrop, and I slowly stretched, trying to shake off the heaviness of sleep. My eyes wandered around the room, settling on the muted TV screen.

The faint murmur of conversation from the kitchen caught my attention. Blake was on the phone with someone. I could hear her voice, but the words were too muffled to make out. Curiosity piqued, I flicked through the TV, absentmindedly switching through channels.

I stole occasional glances toward the kitchen, hoping to catch a hint of the conversation. The only thing I could discern was Blake's animated tone, which did nothing to soothe my growing curiosity. It was unusual for her to be on the phone like that for so long, and I couldn't help but wonder who she was talking to and why.

Just then, the channel settled on a show that had been one of Keira's favorites. The familiar theme song played, and the sight of the characters on screen was a poignant reminder of her. I felt a lump form in my throat as the nostalgic waves of sadness washed over me. Keira had loved this show, and seeing it now, without her, felt like a cruel reminder of what we'd lost.

I sank back into the couch, the joy I once felt while watching these episodes now mingled with a profound sense of loss. I reached for the remote, changing the channel once more, trying to escape the pangs of grief that the show stirred up. But no matter how much I tried to distract myself, the image of Keira and the memories of her laughter lingered, making it hard to focus on anything else.

I closed my eyes again, hoping that sleep would wrap around me like a comforting cloak, pulling me back into the realm of dreams. But as I lay there, the night had already settled in, and my stomach grumbled insistently, reminding me that I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I opened my eyes reluctantly, staring at the ceiling and listening to the distant sounds of the house.

Blake's voice cut through the silence as she entered my line of sight, her face framed by the dim light of the kitchen. "Camden, Samantha is on the phone and wants to speak with you."

Confused, I pushed myself up from the couch and reached for the phone that Blake handed me. Pressing it to my ear, I tried to shake off the lingering sleepiness.

"Hello?" I said, my voice still rough from sleep.

"Camden, it's Samantha," came the familiar voice on the other end. "I hope it's not too late. I just had a visitor who's been asking about you."

My heart skipped a beat. "A visitor? What do you mean?"

"Well," Samantha continued, her tone both calm and intrigued, "this girl came by and mentioned that she's been dreaming about you. She seemed quite distressed and insisted on talking to you. I thought it would be best to put you in touch."

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