Chapter 49

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The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom buzzes with anticipation as Professor Lupin explains the day's lesson. 

The large, ornate mirror wardrobe stands ominously at the front of the room, the trapped Boggart within it waiting to emerge. You stand to the side, observing the students' nervous excitement.

Lupin turns to you with a smile. "Y/N, would you like to demonstrate for the students?"

You shake your head slightly, a playful smile on your lips. "It's a bit early to let the students know what I'm truly afraid of. Why don't we let someone else go first? Neville, would you like to give it a try?"

Neville, who had been trying to blend into the background, looks up, his face pale. "M-me, Professor?"

"Yes, Neville," you say encouragingly. "You're among friends here. We can help you."

Lupin steps forward, offering Neville a reassuring smile. "Neville, what is it that scares you the most?"

Neville swallows hard, glancing nervously around the room before answering. "Professor Snape."

Lupin nods understandingly. "That's quite alright, Neville. Now, here's what you're going to do. When the Boggart emerges, it will take the form of Professor Snape. I want you to visualize him in something funny. Imagine him in your grandmother's clothes. When you see him, use the spell 'Riddikulus' to change his appearance."

Neville nods, though his hands tremble slightly. He steps forward, raising his wand as the wardrobe door creaks open. The Boggart emerges, transforming into a menacing figure of Professor Snape, his dark robes billowing, his expression stern and intimidating.

The sight causes a gasp to ripple through the room. You watch closely, ready to intervene if necessary, but also filled with admiration for Neville's courage.

Neville takes a deep breath, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Riddikulus!" he shouts, his voice growing stronger.

Immediately, the image of Professor Snape begins to change. His dark robes morph into a garish, flowery dress, complete with a large, ugly hat perched atop his head and a bright red handbag clutched in his hand. The students burst into laughter as the transformed Boggart wobbles comically in front of them.

Lupin grins, clapping his hands. "Excellent, Neville! Well done!"

You join in the applause, giving Neville an encouraging nod. "That was brilliant, Neville. You did a fantastic job."

Neville beams, his confidence visibly boosted by the success of his spell. The other students' laughter and applause add to his sense of accomplishment.

Lupin turns to the rest of the class. "Who'd like to go next?"

Several hands shoot up, and the students take turns facing the Boggart, each with their unique fears. You watch as they bravely confront their anxieties, the room filled with a mix of laughter and supportive cheers.

When it's Draco's turn, he steps forward with a confident air, though you notice a slight tremor in his hands. 

The Boggart shifts and transforms into the towering figure of Lucius Malfoy, who begins to admonish Draco harshly, calling him a failure and a disappointment. 

The cruel words echo through the room, and you see Draco's facade crack for a moment. You make a mental note of this, recognizing the impact his father's harsh expectations have on him.

"Riddikulus!" Draco shouts, his voice shaky but determined. The image of Lucius suddenly sports a ridiculous clown wig and a garish outfit, causing the class to burst into laughter. Draco steps back, looking relieved but shaken.

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