Chapter 92

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You wake up early, the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. Careful not to disturb Adrian, you slip out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. 

The hot water soothes your muscles, washing away the remnants of the previous night's passion. Once you're dressed and ready, you return to the bedroom, where Adrian is still sound asleep.

Gently, you lean over and brush a kiss against his forehead. "Happy Christmas," you whisper, your voice barely above a murmur. "I need to go home."

He stirs, blinking sleepily at you. "Happy Christmas," he replies, his voice thick with sleep. "When can I see you again?"

"Soon," you promise, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. "Very soon."

With a final glance at Adrian, you gather your things, including the cage with Mary and Barry, and quietly leave the apartment. The morning air is crisp and cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed you just left.

As you step out onto the street, you take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Christmas morning. The streets are quiet, and a light dusting of snow covers the ground, creating a serene and peaceful scene.

Finding a nearby alley, you make sure you're not being watched before apparating back to the estate. The familiar surroundings greet you as you quietly make your way inside. The house is still and silent, save for the faint rustle of Mary and Barry in their cage.

Your father, Voldemort, is already awake, as he sleeps very little. He stands in the dimly lit kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. His gaze turns to you as you enter the room.

"How did you enjoy your time?" he asks, his voice smooth and calm.

"It was good," you reply, setting down the cage with Mary and Barry. "It was nice to get out and spend some time with Adrian. We had a lovely time."

Voldemort nods, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. You deserve moments of happiness, even in these times. Did you manage to clear your mind and find some peace?"

You nod, feeling a mix of emotions. "Yes, I did. It was a good distraction, and it helped me to see things more clearly."

He takes a sip of his tea, studying you with his piercing eyes. "Remember, Violet, you are strong and capable. You have the power to shape your destiny. Do not let the past hold you back."

"I won't, Father," you say, appreciating his words of encouragement. "Thank you for understanding."

He inclines his head slightly, acknowledging your gratitude. "Now, why don't you rest a bit? It's Christmas morning, after all. We'll have a quiet day together."

You smile, feeling a warmth in your chest at his unexpected tenderness. "I'd like that," you reply, feeling a sense of contentment as you settle into the familiar surroundings of home.

You get Mary and Barry settled in their large enclosure upstairs, ensuring they have fresh water and their favorite breakfast. Watching them scamper around and eat brings a small smile to your face. With them taken care of, you head back downstairs to make yourself a cup of tea and find something for breakfast.

As you enter the kitchen, the faint smell of tea still lingers in the air. You set the kettle on and rummage through the pantry, deciding on some toast and jam.

As you wait for the water to boil, you notice the latest edition of the Daily Prophet lying on the table. The headline catches your eye immediately: "Arthur Weasley Attacked at the Ministry."

You pick up the newspaper and quickly skim through the article, a sense of unease settling over you. You head into the sitting room where your father is seated, reading a book.

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