Chapter 60*

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Later the day after the Quidditch World Cup, you sit in a quiet corner of the decaying estate, reading about the match in the Daily Prophet.

 The excitement of the event is a distant memory, overshadowed by the dark cloud of your current situation. Your thoughts are interrupted by Voldemort's voice, cold and commanding.

"You have two tasks," he says, his eyes boring into yours. "First, you are to meet with the Minister and attempt to infiltrate his inner circle. Second, you are to keep your mouth shut about everything. The Aurors are coming to the house at 5 PM, and you will have everything packed and be gone by then."

You look up, surprised by the sudden turn of events. "Where are you going?"

He sneers. "Wormtail and I are going into hiding for the time being. I will contact you again when the time is right. For now, you will gather your things and go to Severus'. Return to school as normal."

A mix of relief and apprehension washes over you. "Yes, my Lord," you say, trying to keep your voice steady.

He dismisses you with a wave of his hand. "Go."

You quickly make your way to your attic sanctuary, your mind racing. The idea of returning to Hogwarts and resuming some semblance of normalcy is both comforting and daunting. 

You pack your belongings with efficiency, your thoughts consumed by the tasks ahead. Meeting with the Minister and infiltrating his inner circle would require cunning and charm, qualities you possess but must wield carefully.

Once everything is packed, you take a final look around the attic, feeling a strange sense of finality. You know this chapter is closing, but the uncertainty of what lies ahead is unsettling.

You apparate to Spinner's End, arriving just outside the familiar, rundown house. Severus opens the door almost immediately, his eyes widening in surprise as he sees you standing there with your trunk.

"Severus," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "I need to stay with you for a while. The Aurors are coming to the estate, and the Dark Lord has ordered me to leave."

He steps aside, allowing you to enter. "Of course," he says, his voice filled with concern. "Come in."

You follow him inside, the familiar surroundings offering a sense of comfort. "He and Wormtail are going into hiding," you explain. "He'll contact me when the time is right. For now, I have to return to school and act as if everything is normal."

Severus nods, his expression serious. "We'll make sure you're prepared."

The rest of the day is spent in a flurry of preparation. Severus helps you settle in, and together you work on plans for your meeting with the Minister. As the hours pass, the tension begins to ease, replaced by a sense of determination.

Finally, the time comes for you to return to Hogwarts. You stand in Severus's living room, your trunk packed and ready.

"Be careful," he says, his voice filled with a mix of worry and resolve. "Trust no one but yourself. Have you heard who the new defense against the dark arts professor is going to be?"

You shake your head, a pang of sadness for him once again. "No, I hadn't even thought about it."

He sighs, his expression darkening. "It's Mad-Eye Moody, the ex-Auror."

You raise an eyebrow, surprised. "Well, at least the students should be safe, right?"

"Possibly," Severus replies, his tone cautious. "The man is unpredictable. Just... be careful around him."

You nod, absorbing his warning. "I will. Thank you, Severus."

He studies you for a moment, his eyes darkening with a familiar intensity. "Do you want to be fucked over the back of the sofa before it's time to apparate to the school?" he asks, his voice low and commanding.

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