Chapter 112*

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A week later, you and Severus were summoned to a Death Eater meeting at Malfoy Manor. The atmosphere was tense as you arrived, the grand dining room filled with the familiar faces of Voldemort's inner circle. Severus's hand brushed yours briefly as you both took your seats, a subtle reassurance in the midst of the dark gathering.

Voldemort's voice cut through the murmur of the room, commanding attention as he delivered the news that everyone had been waiting for. "The time has come for a change," he began, his tone laced with cold satisfaction. "Minister Fudge has finally stepped down, as we knew he would. His incompetence could no longer be hidden, even by his own allies."

A ripple of approval ran through the room, though the tension didn't dissipate. Voldemort's smile was thin, dangerous. "However, our victory is not yet complete. Rufus Scrimgeour, the former head of the Auror's office, has taken his place. He is more formidable, more cunning than Fudge ever was. He will be a challenge, but one that we will rise to meet."

The murmurs of the Death Eaters grew louder, some expressing concern while others spoke of strategies to undermine Scrimgeour's authority. Voldemort silenced them with a raised hand, his eyes glinting with a cruel delight.

"There is more," he continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled Death Eaters. "Draco Malfoy has been tasked with a very important mission. He is to repair the Vanishing Cabinet within Hogwarts. When the time is right, we will use it to sneak our forces into the school. Dumbledore's days are numbered, but we must be patient. The timing must be perfect."

You felt a shiver run down your spine at the mention of Dumbledore's impending death. The room was thick with anticipation, the reality of the situation sinking in as you realized how close the war was to reaching a new, dangerous phase.

Voldemort's gaze fell on you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he seemed to assess your reaction. "Violet," he said, his voice deceptively soft. "You and Severus will be key players in this. Severus, as always, your position within the school is invaluable. And you, my dear, will continue to support Draco in his task. Make sure he succeeds. I will not tolerate failure."

Severus inclined his head in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable. You followed suit, though your mind was racing with the implications of what had just been laid out before you. This was no longer just about your father's ambitions or the broader goals of the Death Eaters—this was about the lives of students, of teachers, of people you knew within Hogwarts.

As the meeting continued, with plans being discussed in greater detail, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled deep in your gut. The path ahead was fraught with peril, and the choices you would make in the coming weeks could very well determine the course of your life—and the lives of those around you.

When the meeting finally concluded, Voldemort dismissed the group with a final, chilling reminder of what was at stake. "Remember," he said, his voice cutting through the silence, "we are closer than ever to achieving our goal. Do not falter now. We will see this through to the end."

As the room emptied and the other Death Eaters filed out, your father motioned for you to stay behind. Severus hesitated at the door, his eyes flicking between you and Voldemort, but a subtle nod from you assured him that you were okay, or at least as okay as you could be in the circumstances. He left, casting one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.

Once the door closed, the oppressive silence of the room pressed in on you. Voldemort studied you for a long moment, his gaze searching, as if trying to discern the thoughts hidden behind your calm exterior.

"How are you, my dear?" he asked, his tone surprisingly gentle, almost fatherly. But you could sense the underlying tension in his voice, the way he seemed to be probing for something more.

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