Chapter 89*

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You lay in your bed at night, the darkness of the room pressing in around you. No matter how much you try to push it away, the betrayal consumes your thoughts. 

Images you never wanted to imagine flood your mind—Severus with Madam Pince, the way he might have kissed her, touched her. The intimacy you thought was yours alone, now shared with someone else.

The thoughts are torturous. You see his hands, hands that once caressed you with such tenderness, now roaming over another's body. The thought of his lips, lips that whispered words of love and devotion to you, now speaking to her. Words you will never know.

You toss and turn, trying to find a position that will bring you some comfort, but nothing works. Every movement seems to bring a new wave of pain, a new vision of betrayal. You feel a physical ache in your chest, as if your heart is being torn apart by the relentless assault of your thoughts.

The room is silent except for the sound of your own breathing, ragged and uneven. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the images to go away, but they persist. The more you try to suppress them, the stronger they become.

You remember the way Severus's hands felt on your skin, the way his touch could both soothe and ignite a fire within you. Now, that fire burns with the pain of betrayal. You imagine him looking at her the way he used to look at you, with eyes filled with desire and passion. The thought is almost too much to bear.

Desperation claws at you as you lie there, feeling utterly alone and betrayed. You want to scream, to cry out and release the pain, but you know it won't change anything. The betrayal is real, and no amount of tears can wash it away.

You pull the blankets tighter around you, trying to find some semblance of comfort in their embrace. But the warmth they provide is a cold substitute for the warmth you once felt in Severus's arms. The room feels empty, hollow, as if all the love and happiness that once filled it have been sucked away, leaving only darkness and despair.

As the night drags on, you realize that this pain is something you will have to endure, at least for now. The path to healing and forgiveness is long and fraught with obstacles, but you know you must walk it if you are ever to find peace.

For now, you can only lie there, lost in the torment of your thoughts, hoping that with time, the images will fade, and the pain will lessen.

It's near Christmas now, and you are still in tatters but there is a glimmer of hope. Adrian has come by to ask if he can take you out for the evening.

"I'm in no state to go anywhere," you say, feeling the weight of your sadness.

"Lucius asked me to come by to try to get you out of the house," Adrian explains. "He said you haven't been doing well."

"That's one way to put it," you reply, a faint smile touching your lips despite your despair.

Adrian's concern is genuine as he adds, "I think a change of scenery might do you some good."

You reluctantly nod and decide to ask Voldemort for permission. You find him in his study, his presence as imposing as ever. "Father, may I go out for the evening with Adrian?" you ask, trying to keep your voice steady.

Voldemort looks up from his papers, his red eyes scrutinizing Adrian. "Where are you going?"

Adrian steps forward confidently. "I procured tickets to a music show specifically with Violet in mind."

Voldemort's eyes narrow slightly. "Is it at a Muggle venue? You know how I feel about Muggles."

Adrian nods. "Yes, it is, but it's her favorite. I thought it might cheer her up."

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